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  1. R

    PLEASE allow me to change my name!!

    I thought this would be a good name 8 years ago, when I was 17! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE allow me to change it. How can I go about this? I don't want to have to register again
  2. R

    I need re-homing... but I refuse to re-home my buns!

    I was just going to reply and say yes, my guys spent a year being fostered at Tuckerbunnies when I was doing my 1st year at uni. Maysie and Mike have been like an aunt and uncle to me over the years and I could never thank them enough. BUT this sounds ace and I'm so glad you got something...
  3. R

    Help: Brief bouts of anorexia UD. 6th Feb.

    Update: 6th Feb. Well shes much the same. And after her dental last week, seems to have picked up fleas! :shock: The dogs dont have them, i checked, and theyre routinely treated anyway! I had to move them to the indoor-outdoor loo (its not indoors, but its not outdoors either!), where i could...
  4. R

    Help: Brief bouts of anorexia UD. 6th Feb.

    I don't think I'm going to give Metacam for more than a couple of days. I think they were put off doing bloods already because she had a GA last week, and last time, they were unable to get bloods without giving her a whiff of gas. You make a very valid point there though, I have CKD myself, and...
  5. R

    Help: Brief bouts of anorexia UD. 6th Feb.

    Thanks guys. Weve treated symptoms tonight and keeping an eye on her. She mad metaclop and metacam at the vets. They wanted to give vetergesic, but I just asked for metacam, given that she hadnt had any today, and had already started to eat. I didnt want her to become drowsy and stop eating...
  6. R

    Help: Brief bouts of anorexia UD. 6th Feb.

    Thank you. She still hasn't pooped. And she was sat in her own pee when I popped her in the carrier. That's not like her at all :(
  7. R

    Help: Brief bouts of anorexia UD. 6th Feb.

    Id say well ventilated. They have a 6x4 shed and an attached 9ft aviary, with 24/7 access. ...I managed to get a urine sample. I have no idea if its going to be any use, but I seized the rare opportunity! :lol:
  8. R

    Help: Brief bouts of anorexia UD. 6th Feb.

    She was drinking more before her dental, but she usually does. It seems to have settled down now. Her mobility seems fine too, I was actually more concerned about Marley having a touch of arthritis. I remember when she was peeing all over and drinking excessively in the past, and we did bloods...
  9. R

    Help: Brief bouts of anorexia UD. 6th Feb.

    Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to where I would go from here... Dolly, will be 5 this month. She has lost a lot of weight, and is now on the thin side. Shes been having brief anorexic episodes since early December. She tends to gradually lose weight when she needs a dental, and...
  10. R

    Question for those who board bunnies (hoping to set up in Cleveland)

    I was just wondering, other than public liability, what other insurance, or licences you need, if any? I have been quoted £10 a month for public liability, and just wondered, if you dont mind me asking. What you guys pay? An opportunity has come up for me to start earlier than I had initially...
  11. R

    Marley and Dolly move in to their new shed!...

    Wow, thanks guys. I cant help being surprised at the response from people. I never imagined this set up would turn out as well as it has. The photos in the back are of Marley and Dolly, and my two Bridge buns, Davie and Skye :love:
  12. R

    Marley and Dolly move in to their new shed!...

    Thanks guys. I'll be honest, I don't use this forum as much as Id like as I just haven't the time, but I always liked to see people's set ups and get some ideas so I thought I'd make a post and keep it updated. I'm glad you like it :)
  13. R

    Compost Heap to Rabbit Residence... UD 2/11. post6

    Sorry its so late, Im exhausted now. Rather than copy and paste everythin from photo bucket, they are all public on my Facebook page...
  14. R

    Marley and Dolly move in to their new shed!...

    Im going to be really lazy here, as Im completely exhausted, but all of the photos are on my Facebook page, so it saves me copy and pasting all of the links from photo bucket. Its a public page, so everyone can view!
  15. R

    Compost Heap to Rabbit Residence... UD 2/11. post6

    Its finished!!! It got too dark to get photos of the inside, but ill get lots today when the bunnies move in and make a photo shoot thread and link it to here. Its taken a long time, but were finally finished!! Its impossible to fit in in a photo unless i stand behind the apple trees. Our 6x4...
  16. R

    Compost Heap to Rabbit Residence... UD 2/11. post6

    haha. It was nothing short of a nightmare, that wasnt the worst part. The worst part was the first builders that came and stuffed it all up. Thankfully we have a good guy now, although hes actually trained as a butcher :lol: This was highly amusing when i found out. Anyway... some of the mesh...
  17. R

    Compost Heap to Rabbit Residence... UD 2/11. post6

    Wow, ive been hopeless at keeping this updated, havent I!? Weve had no end of problems, but were getting there. Here are some photos of where were up to now, but the buns should be in by next weekend :) Just have the mesh to put on, a little more painting and board and lino the shed.
  18. R

    Bilbo and Isla have gone to Camp Nibble

    You may not all remember them, but back in July, myself and Vegan_bunny tried to find rescue spaces for 7 bunnies that we thought had EC. We took the two worst affected buns, Bilbo and Isla, and the RSPCA were involved with the remaining buns as the girl gave them all away, despite being told...
  19. R

    Runs on gravel?

    I cant really afford to spend any money on sorting this out. With it being a new house, we've an awful lot to pay for, and getting the sheds, and stuff sorted, has taken a massive chunk of what I had saved to do the buns and my bedroom. :/ If I cant think of anything, Mum is just going to have...