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  1. T

    Dental Tomorrow

    Hi, my bun Cherry, bless her is a frequent dental bun. I've noticed that it's getting harder to tempt her with her favorites afterwards. In general I've noticed her getting more fussy with her veg as she's gotten older. I was hoping for some suggestions I may not have thought of that could be...
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    Drinking lots of water

    Hi, just a thought, but are they litter trained? Would it possibly be worth getting them to use a litter tray? Then you can see how much they pee and poop more easily, which may help alleviate your concerns.
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    Getting two rabbits spayed at same time, keep apart or together?

    I'm planning on getting my two female mini rexes spayed this year, but I'm trying to work out the best way of going about it. I was thinking of getting them both done the same time and then having them inside in two indoor cages side by side. This way they can still see and smell each other...
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    Hi, as it is getting colder at night (we've had a couple that have gone down to 0) I personally would wait until it starts getting warmer. That's what I'm doing with my two young female buns. They will feel the cold more when recovering from an anesthetic, and also the spay is quite a big op...
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    my bun doesn't like Veg!

    thanks for all the suggestions. I shall be trying all of them! :lol: I suppose its just going to be trial and error untill I find something she likes :) And Maple has had her teeth checked by the vet not so long ago, so I'm quite sure that isn't it. But I will keep it in mind if I notice is...
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    my bun doesn't like Veg!

    How do I get a bun to eat veg, when she's showing no interest in it whatsoever? I've tried carrots, cabbage, celery, broccoli and sprouts so far with no success. Her sister will eat anything put in front of her :lol: Maple doesn't even sniff the veg, she acts like it isn't even there :? Any...
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    Free range time?

    No free range time for mine. There are cats all around that eye them up as it is. I don't want to risk is as I doubt I'd get to them quick enough if one did decide to go for them. I tried bringing them inside a couple of times (put the dog in another room, and it was quiet) and they just...
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    Hyperallegenic Bedding for a delicate bun nose?

    Thanks for all your replies. Sorry I didn't respond sooner, internet issues :roll: To be honest I don't know if a nasal swap was taken, as I couldn't take them to a vet and had to get my parents take them for me. They didn't mention it though. So I'll assume that one wasn't done. I will update...
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    Hyperallegenic Bedding for a delicate bun nose?

    Cherry has been sneezing and having clear discharge coming from her nose for about 2 weeks. I took her to the vet as soon as I saw the discharge (2 weeks ago) and she was given a course of baytril, just in case, though the vet couldn't find anything wrong with her. they listened to her heart...
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    Rex rabbits

    I only got a couple of mini rexs just over a week ago, so I'm by no means an expert. But since Jack's Jane pointed out to me about bedding them on hay, I put enough down that when you press your hand on top of it you can feel it give way, and not feel the bottom of the hutch too easily. I...
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    Benjamin Stew Bunny & Peter Casserole Rabbit

    aww they are lovely. I love their colour :love: the hutch is called Summer Lodge if you want to look it up :) - I know because I have the same one for my two. :D
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    Silly bunny

    aww bless! :love: Is it just me, or does he look like he's saying: "hm? What? This is perfectly normal!"
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    My new rabbits

    Thanks everyone for your comments. I take it they are a hit then? ;) and I'll be sticking a layer of straw down right away untill I've gotten some soft hay. I do have timothy hay - but not nearly enough for their whole hutch to be covered in it. The straw is quite soft so that should be better...
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    My new rabbits

    Thanks, they seem quite happy. I didn't manage to get a picture of Cherry grooming Maple, it was ever so cute too :love:
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    My new rabbits

    I picked them up today, they had settled in quite well so I decided to sit with them for awhile and managed to get some pictures. Allow me to introduce Maple and Cherry-Blossom. They are two female 10 week old mini rex's. :D Cherry-Blossom: Maple: And them both together...
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    Getting new rabbits

    I posted a link above of what colour I think they are ;) I think they are Castors :D
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    Getting new rabbits

    I do like Lavander and Cherry too. I can't use Bramble as my sister had a baby bun of the same name that died after they had only had him a couple of weeks. Thankyou both, you've given me some lovely names to think about. :) Although this isn't one I'm getting, she is the same colour as them...
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    Getting new rabbits

    If they settle in well I'll get some pictures up Saturday or Sunday :D I can't use Poppy as one of my sisters gang of rabbits is a Poppy (though I do really like the name). And I like quite Fern too, All I've managed to come up with on my own is Cornflower :lol:
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    rosie's pet of the month

    aww congratulations to her :) She's lovely :love:
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    Getting new rabbits

    I'm getting new rabbits! A pair of female mini rex's that are 10 weeks old. I'm picking them up saturday :D Though I was a bit bad, they aren't from a rescue, they are from a garden centre :oops: But I was assured that they don't get their rabbits from those factory breeding places at least...