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    The Mini Lop Thread

    awwwww they are so cute :love::love:
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    New rescue bunny :)

    hope he gets used to his new home :D:D xjacobx
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    hi nice to meet you:wave::wave:
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    New Hutch arrived damaged

    oh no what happened after
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    Frankie..U/D 3rd June Back from the vets!

    awwwwww he is cute :love:
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    I'm SO Happy, New 'Hutch' *Pics*

    good size for your cute bun buns
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    the losted bunnys

    one afternoon my mum was giving the rabbits water well needed to go somewhere i don't now where. she forgot to close the door on their crate. so when we got back at around about 10:00pm i went to check on the rabbits and their i found yes you guess it. if you thought it was the rabbits smuge and...
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    Fluffy Bunny

    awwwwwwwwwww i do wish he was my bunny because he is so cute :love::love::love:
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    BRIAN & BOBBY RESERVED 3 years on

    awwwww I do hope they go to a lovey home jacob:cry:
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    **P@H bun pics**

    hes cute an`t he everyone
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    Guinness & Caffrey - more Honeypigs

    awwwwww they are cute :bunny:
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    Noel the Giant poser! and one of Amber :)

    they are cute awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :love:.
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    I think Jasper's trying to kill me!

    how strange how could he have got out. i read the stories they just boggled my mind and left me speachless :?
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    My trip around the world

    the first one were you are in scotland is absolutely beatyful :love:
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    It`s veggie time!!!!!!!! (Piccie overload)!

    precious and little bob are the cutest of them all :love:
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    Bucky Bun!

    AW, he's so cute
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    New Piccies!

    Murray and honey are cute awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:love: :mrgreen:
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    my new frenchies

    they are cute :rabbit2: :bunny:
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    I am a newbie

    i am ten years old evreyone
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    Finally some pics of my Billy and Emily

    I took these myself Hope you like them x