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  1. S

    Bar biting and weeing on the bed. About to strangle the rabbits!!

    A friend of mine who is new to bunnies was going to join RU on my recommendation. She then asked me why a rabbit lover wanted to "neck" their rabbits? I had no answers for her so had a look for myself. If you resent rabbits for acting like rabbits perhaps they are not for you VB. We all have...
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    Fox Trap

    What a cruel idea. Another will move in so you will not solve your problem. Can your rabbits not be house bunnies?
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    Does the rspca adoption donation vary from centre to ow much would you expect to pay?

    Gosh these adoption fees are low aren't they compared to the actual costs of vaccs and neutering.
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    Freki's thread (doggo)

    He is gorgeous :love: Molly had a puppy pen although she only ever destroyed a teabag :lol:
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    Morse Says 'Never Trust a Vet With a Scalpel in Her Hand'..........................

    Aww speedy recovery little woof :love: :love:
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    Someones Beloved Pet Cat

    Rest in peace little puss xx
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    When You Have Spent a Small Fortune on Toys For Your Puppy.................

    I love him :love: :love: So which one of his parents was a squirrel :shock: :lol:
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    Morse (Puppy) This Morning

    Aww he is gorgeous :love:
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    Morse Puppy as Requested- Updated 15th June

    Awwwwwwww I love him :love::love: He reminds me of Molly - particularly where he is showing his bottom teeth :love::love: Molly knows that showing her little teeth = sausages :lol: Can I say that your woofy hairdressing skills are fab!!
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    Help - in hospital

    I am so sorry to read this - wishing you a speedy recovery xxx
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    Morse Puppy as Requested- Updated 15th June

    So floofy :love::love::love: What a gorgeous little woof :love:
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    SomeBun is Being Spayed on Wednesday

    Hope all goes well tomorrow - she is beautiful :love:
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    Put the girls out on the lawn

    Aww bless them :love: mine put their heads down and eat my grass to the soil :shock: :lol:
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    A Snap Shot of my Day Today

    So lovely and peaceful, beautiful lucky bunnies x
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    Eliza- U/D Spay Postponed

    Oh bless her heart I hope it is a phantom xx I had a little doe give birth after coming to me from a bad situation and I can truly say it was the most stressful and heartbreaking experience I have had in all my years of living with bunnies. Eliza is in the safest possible hands :love:
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    Eliza Doolittle- A Few More Photos as Requested

    She really is utterly gorgeous :love::love::love::love::love: I may be slightly jealous :mrgreen: :lol:
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    Inspector Morse~ 2nd February 2014. A Tribute to a Legend

    Morse and Libby :love: :love: :love:
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    FAO Those Who Have Experienced a Choking Rabbit

    My late conti Dillon once choked on SS pellets - my blood ran cold it was dreadful. He had no other health problems and was not a dental bun x
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    Sleep Well Little Myxo Bun

    It was not the way I expected to spend Christmas Eve - a little bunny was advertised as found on my local FB selling site. The bunny was actually a wildle with myxo :cry: and the "offers" soon followed as to what to do with him. We drove to pick the little bun up and he was put to sleep...
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    Post pics of your pooches

    Aww they are lovely :love: Molly Woof :love: