Search results

  1. R

    Rodney, Sophie and Chloe

    I got it off ebay, its 8 ft by 4ft but the lady i got it off makes loads of different sizes and she delivered and erected it. There are loads of different ones on ebay, try searching for dog kennel and run. Most people will alter it to suit th bunnies. Hope that helps :wave:
  2. R


    awwwwwww he looks so comfy and cozy!!!
  3. R

    Rodney, Sophie and Chloe

    Hi everyone :wave: I've been AWOL for a few months but had to come on and show you all what i got for my birthday.... my new bunny shed...:love::love: And upon the arrival of my new bunny shed, i have put my pair rodney and sophie in with my single girly Chloe and so far everything seems to be...
  4. R

    Do rabbits respond to being told off???

    Chloe lives inside, and definately knows when shes done something wrong. A firm CHLOE and she will stop whatever she is doing. She also remembers what is wrong. She isn't supposed to go upstairs and on the odd occasion that she does i can stand at the bottom on the stairs and shout Chloe DOWN...
  5. R

    A+P Rabbit Food

    i feed it and mine probably get about an egg cup each a day, split so they get half in a morning and half on a evening. Chloe gets slightly more as she is only 6 months but am starting to cut her down now so she gets the same as the other 2. Can i ask where you ordered it from was it somewhere...
  6. R

    I Know Everyone Says Get A Rab From A Rescue

    Rodney - Found wondering the streets Sophie - adopted from honeybunnies Chloe - childs unwanted pet, friend of a friend situation
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    Free the Rew 8? HELP Glossary thing that i started, is that any help.
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    Teddy and Toto's 1st date

    I have a lot of respect for you in that you can even get them to sit still, let alone make them look that cute. I'm sorry, but if its cruel to do that to your buns, am i cruel to put a santa hat and scarf of my dog at xmas time? Loads of people post pictures of their dogs wearing sunglasses...
  9. R

    Two bunnies = two litter trays?

    My bonded pair have 3 between them, i did start off with 2 but sophie is awkward and likes to have it her way so got a third and to be honest its easier cleaning out 3 litter trays a day ten trying to clean up after sophie not using a litter tray. My single house bun just has one to herself but...
  10. R

    Happy 1 month anniversary Molly and Alfie [PIC HEAVY]

    Is it not the best feeling in the world seeing your bun all loved up. I still look at Rodney and Sophie when they are all snuggled up and think :love::love::love::love::love: and they've been together nearly 4 months now.
  11. R

    Bunnies in Winter

    This may be a daft question but with winter coming do buns tend to 'bulk up' to protect them from the cold? 2 of mine live outdoors and all through summer i had 2 very gorgeous slender bunnies and now its getting colder they seem to be getting a bit chubbier, even though I haven't really...
  12. R

    my friend has told me to give up binx/I'm keeping him end of.

    I get laughed at, at work for having my 3, 2 outside and Chloe lives in. And yes they are tying and i do have to forego things to look after them but i wouldn't swop it for the world. Having just bought my first house and then my relationship breaking up i've found the past few weeks really...
  13. R

    Vets in Leeds area

    :wave: just wanted to say to all Leeds people. As i've said i use the vets at my pet stop and they are really really good, i've had rodney neutered there and was really please with his treatment, both rodney and chloe vaccinated there (sophie was adopted already done, but she will be going...
  14. R

    Vets in Leeds area

    I use the vets at My Pet Stop, just up the road from the Whiterose Centre behind Real Radio, they are really really good with my three i can't fault them at all. If you would like the number pm me :wave:
  15. R


    To echo what was said above, i have 2 adult buns and a baby, and i too learnt from the advice given on this site, to limit my adult buns pellets but to allow chole unlimted pellets and introduce veg very slowly.
  16. R

    What's Your Rabbit Called And Why? 2008

    To update mine Rodney - We found him, he was temporary but ended up staying. As a tempoary bun he was called Sooty (as he's black) but when we decided to keep him, it turns out hes a bit of a plonker so became Rodney. Sophie - Came with her name and she really suits it. Chloe - she was a 10...
  17. R

    The Duchess

    Abi I'm so sorry, i know how much she meant to you. Hugs to you and teegs Binky free :(:(
  18. R

    Is it too late to bond my rabbit?

    Rodney and Sophie have been bonded for just over 2 months and there is no feeling like the warm fuzzy feeling you get watch your buns snuggled up together grooming eachother. Rodney has just been poorly and they had to be seperated for a night as he had to stop at the vets. It was so obvious...
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    Rabbit number 7 - should I or shouldn't I?

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:
  20. R


    Rodney had to stop in the vets overnight on Monday night to be treated for statis and i'm please to say he seems to be much better, a bit subdued but eating fine pooing fine etc. When i got my bill it gave me a break down of what he had had, and i'm just interested in what each one does: He had...