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  1. C

    my dearest Teddy Bear

    Handsome chap, sleep tight Teddy, snuggle with my girl Bunnie :( xx
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    Pledge a Pound - MARCH - 1st ANNIVERSARY - Winners - Post 99

    Just paid my £12 for the year :D which was due this month :)
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    Time for some bunny art....

    Polo want's to see his bun friends art, so post them on here:D
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    Time for some bunny art....

    Indeed, all natural ingredients and paw made:D
  5. C

    Mr Bean Anyone ?

    :love::love::love::love::love: BEAN:love:
  6. C

    Time for some bunny art....

    Polo Bevis Age 1yr 11mths:D
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    Do I need to go to the vet?? Edit: *USELESS VET*

    Paws crossed all goes well at the vet and she gets better asap :D Did you try Petplan?? It costs me about £11 for 1 but I sure with petplan depending on medical history 2 should cost no more than £25 at the most with Petplan. Go online and get a quote. Obviously any problems like tum...
  8. C

    Do I need to go to the vet?? Edit: *USELESS VET*

    Do you not have insurance i.e. Petplan??? My advice would be to take to vet us you know how their tums can be and how fast they can go down hill. Force her to move around every now and than as if it is stasis or heading that way running around helps stimulate the gut. What lettuce is she...
  9. C

    Hmm interesting..... my new books says..... UD P31 result...

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    Jumping Rabbits

    We all know what stress can do to rabbits and it can make them poorly so if they really stressed they not be jumping and people wouldn't take their buns :) The news no matter what channel they from will say whatever necessary to make it an interesting and more appealing story. But if it did...
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    Jumping Rabbits

    yep. Same as dogs who do agility comps or shows. If they are not of a nervous nature travelling and being around lots of people and noise and different sights than let them be. Polo couldn never do it besides the fact he not a jumper but cos just going to the vets makes him nervous as hell...
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    Jumping Rabbits

    :lol::lol: ok just wanted to make sure:D Hmm Polo only jumps when in mischief mode. He jumps on the bed at the moment for one reason only and that is to pee. He been banned as started to pee on bed again after so many months of him not doing to and just laying on bed and being cuddles to...
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    Jumping Rabbits

    Smudge was gorgeous:D It was funny when camera was in close up on him to jump he was like no I don't fancy it right now and then when camera was at a wide angle he flew over the jumps:lol::lol::lol:
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    Jumping Rabbits

    Just to clarify I'm not saying that they are or maybe mistreated as this event or any event you go to or other event that takes place. i not being specific. Just saying you just never know what goes on behind closed doors which might happen with people who may go out on a whim and just have...
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    Jumping Rabbits

    I not against it as long as the buns doing it are happy and not mistreated if won't jump. Just as we all know there are people out there who will go out and buy buns just for this and won't look after or consider and treat the buns how they deserve to be treated:cry: Not everyone is like...
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    Jumping Rabbits

    Don't know if someone posted this already. Hope it doesn't make people go out and buy bunnys for this :cry:
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    Polo wants to know if this can go in the Book of Bunny Records..

    I keep seeing it out the coner of my eye and freak at first cos think it a spider than i'm like ahh yeah :love: me little boy:D
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    Polo wants to know if this can go in the Book of Bunny Records..

    :oops: Still up there i'm afraid, gonna se how long it stays there. Ther a tiny bit of timothy hay stuck to it as well:)
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    Polo wants to know if this can go in the Book of Bunny Records..

    me too, I mean he does flick his back feet on his way out of his litter tray but that is some flick! :D