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  1. SmokyJoe78

    Baby Wildie...Cookie has passed away

    Aw.... He's gorgeous - well done you (and your OH!) :D
  2. SmokyJoe78

    Guilty feelings but happy ending

    Sorry to hear about Jemima :( Your layout is brilliant, I absolutely love the tunnels - I'm running off now to show my other half - he's good with DIY!! :lol:
  3. SmokyJoe78

    RIP Womble of Wokingham

    So sorry to hear about Womble. Binky free little one.
  4. SmokyJoe78

    Prepare to squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee X 3

    Oh my goodness.... Too too cute :love:
  5. SmokyJoe78

    Available Individual: BLack Giant needs a home - London

    He's absolutely gorgeous :love: I hope he finds a new home and a bunny friend soon :)
  6. SmokyJoe78

    My new girl, anyone know which breed she is ?

    She looks just like my bunny Lulu! I don't know what breed she is either but I know the people we 'rescued' her from got her from pets at home and were told she was a dwarf-lop:roll::lol: She's gorgeous anyhow!
  7. SmokyJoe78

    Morse -U/D 13th May- The Inspector is Doing Better at the Moment :-)

    Sending some vibes for the lovely Morse :love:
  8. SmokyJoe78

    Dermot+Miss Bunny Penny- U/D 13th May- 'Stable' at the Moment

    I'm so so sorry Jane. Thinking of you and Dermot. x
  9. SmokyJoe78

    She has gone :(

    I'm so sorry Fifibutton. :cry:
  10. SmokyJoe78

    Hard life throwing food- Boost

    What a wee sweetie :love:
  11. SmokyJoe78

    They may be nightmares...

    Too cute! :love:
  12. SmokyJoe78

    deckings drop and much more

    Gorgeous! :love:
  13. SmokyJoe78

    Argh! There's a rabbit on my pizza!

    Heehee - what a rascal!
  14. SmokyJoe78

    A few from today :)

    Aw they're lovely and look like they're having fun! Skye looks just like my Lulu and just as rascally, judging from that photo where she's bopping the basket:lol:
  15. SmokyJoe78

    Dermot+Miss Bunny Penny- U/D 13th May- 'Stable' at the Moment

    Sending some healing vibes for Dermot.
  16. SmokyJoe78

    Any way of stopping weeing in "enclosed" part of hutch

    Hi - a couple of mine are like this and it's a total pain! You could try scooping out the soiled litter from all of these corners and putting it in the litter tray, then cleaning the corners out to remove some of the smell. But I think you'd have to do it every day or as soon as you noticed it...
  17. SmokyJoe78

    please help possible status GI

    Can you get him to move about a bit? Sometimes that can help to get things moving. But if you really think its stasis again then you should probably take him to the emergency vets. When was the last time he ate? Has he passed any poops recently?
  18. SmokyJoe78

    Runaround questions

    That looks great:thumb: thinking about getting this for my two who are in hutches, but can't decide whether to buy the Runaround runs or just get the tubes and get runs elsewhere? Although their prices for the run I looked at seemed competitive?
  19. SmokyJoe78

    Mango 06/04/2010 - 30-04-2013

    So sorry about Mango. The tree is a wonderful idea. Binky free little one.
  20. SmokyJoe78

    Wally - unknown to 26/04/2013

    So sorry about Wally. What a lovely bunny - he sounds like a right wee character - binky free Wally