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  1. V

    Old rabbit angry behaviour

    That's what i've been thinking.. but why she attacking my hand when i give her the bowl with food? She knows it's food..
  2. V

    Old rabbit angry behaviour

    She had keratitis
  3. V

    Confused bunny?

    I read somewhere that if the pillow/rug is really soft and comfy, rabbits tend to pee in that kind of places.. i also bought a soft pillow for my rabbit and whenever i give it to her, she pees on it. I try to control it and y'know, give her a signal when i see her getting ready to pee. But i...
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    Old rabbit angry behaviour

    Hi, i have a female (10yrs old) rabbit. She has always been the calm, sometimes little tinker one, loved cuddling/stroking. Even when i took her to the vet on December she was trustful. And lately, she started attacking me. Whenever she's on the ground i can't put my hand near her. When i feed...