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  1. W

    Re: bonding. My 5.5 year old unspayed Netherland dwarf is showing aggressive behaviour towards...

    Re: bonding. My 5.5 year old unspayed Netherland dwarf is showing aggressive behaviour towards her recently adopted, 3 year old plush lop companion. They are currently separated within the same enclosure and have had 3 supervised free range sessions in which she chases and bites. The adopted...
  2. W

    Plush lop - cleanliness

    Thank You for your reply. She's seen the vet this week for her inoculation and all fine with her health, weight etc. It is simply that she is furry. I have arranged for her to have some clipping to help and will just carry on with her cleaning routine. Thank you again I appreciate the advice.
  3. W

    Plush lop - cleanliness

    Hi I have recently adopted a 3 year old Plush lop and noticed that she cannot clean herself after toileting. I am cleaning her and have arranged for some clipping to help. I wondered if there is a product that I can use on her fur to minimise the poo sticking? Any help and advice gratefully...