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  1. Lord Trellis

    General Rabbit Chat

    Oreo is feeling a bit pudgy today, I will put her on a hay only diet. Will have to minimize the treats. The others are OK. They all eat tons of hay. LambChop has been re-homed and I can visit him to check how he is getting on. He has lots of space now. The loss of Bugs was very sad and sudden...
  2. Lord Trellis

    Very depressed today

    This morning when I went to feed and change water for the bunnies Bugs was lying dead, she looked like she had a seizure just before she died. There was no warning signs and she was perfectly fine when I went to bed that night. I am so fed up and depressed. I am gutted that I've lost my bunny...
  3. Lord Trellis

    General Rabbit Chat

    I still have LambChop, Snuggles keeps attacking him so I keep Lamchop separate and he runs about indoors. He doesn't seem to chew wires or anything, he seems to be ok on his own and he chills with me a lot of the time and follows me about. He is more like a small puppy than a rabbit.
  4. Lord Trellis


    I got horrified one morning when Lambchop took a pee and there was all these white worms in it. I had him quickly treated and there has been no sign of them ever since.
  5. Lord Trellis

    Wild bunnies potentially trapped in our allotment :(

    This reminds me of when a friend of mine had mice on the estate and the solution was to put poison and traps down.... not really a solution but causes more issues. I said if all the bins were kept tidy and clean and people took there rubbish out that would eliminate mouse issue, you remove the...
  6. Lord Trellis

    Unexpected pregnancy

    Sorry this happened. Sometimes kits or newly born animals in general are born with something wrong with them and when the mother senses something is wrong she will remove the baby out of the nest or as mentioned above when the baby is feeding, the baby could have come out of the nest that way.
  7. Lord Trellis

    General Rabbit Chat

    I have no idea, probably a territory thing or could be from where Lambchop likes to bite and Snuggles might think he will bite her so she fends him off I'm not sure. Lambchop wasn't doing anything that day and as soon as Lambchop got near her she would lunge at him and attack.
  8. Lord Trellis

    Cookie's anger

    Booboo does that sometimes and when Oreo isn't happy she will start digging the couch or bed and she will look at me before she does it and after she then looks at me again for a reaction.
  9. Lord Trellis

    Wild bunnies potentially trapped in our allotment :(

    I think wild bunnies will know how to escape if trapped by digging or something. To stop them from eating the strawberries you can build a wire mesh box with some wood and mesh to box in the strawberries, bury the bottom half in to the ground, this will prevent the rabbits from digging under it.
  10. Lord Trellis

    Lambchop needs a new home

    Lambchop is a very energetic sweet bunny he is a beautiful white albino mini lop that was originally an unexpected rescue at a very young age. I have four other rabbits to care for. It comes with a heavy heart to make this decision and for the welfare of Lambchop its better he goes to a new...
  11. Lord Trellis

    General Rabbit Chat

    Snuggles has got very aggressive towards Lambchop, it got really intense earlier, Snuggles is so genital I've never known her to attack like she did, every time Lambchop would go near her she would lunge and bite him while kicking out her back legs. I broke up the fight and separated Lambchop ...
  12. Lord Trellis

    So much peeing!

    If your bunny is peeing a lot I'd get him/her vet checked. Give him/her plenty of hay. I lost my bunny Lacey to kidney failure and she peed a lot.
  13. Lord Trellis

    General Rabbit Chat

    I don't normally put rabbits on there back but Snuggles doesn't mind it however since reading the info I don't do this anymore. I just have to find another way to do Snuggles grooming. I noticed that Booboo has grown some more in the last few months but he don't like cuddles anymore and he has...
  14. Lord Trellis

    General Rabbit Chat

    Snuggles on my lap. She is very calm and I can groom her too this way very easily. Ignore the cage in the background it isn't for keeping rabbits in, its a temporary bird cage.
  15. Lord Trellis

    General Rabbit Chat

    Snuggles looks so cute when she tries to speed about with her short stubby legs shes like a ball of fluff especially when she jumps. Oreo jumps quite far.
  16. Lord Trellis

    General Rabbit Chat

    Bugs has one hell of a sprint on her, she can be very fast on her feet.
  17. Lord Trellis

    Am I a terrible pet owner

    LambChop has continued to be calm, I can even cuddle him now which I haven't done since he was little. He still nips every so often tho but other than that he is miles better than before. I couldn't even sit down without him jumping up and attacking me but now I can relax around him.
  18. Lord Trellis

    Am I a terrible pet owner

    Well today LampChop isn't biting and I've even been able to pick him up and also sit next to him and pet him. His not aggressive today. I don't think I can bring myself to rehome him now. I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep him.
  19. Lord Trellis

    Am I a terrible pet owner

    I will most definitely put that he bites and that he isn't suitable for children. I will ask my vet about what options I have first and get him another health check.
  20. Lord Trellis

    Am I a terrible pet owner

    I feel like I've failed him. I love him as my pet. Please help... any ideas?