Search results

  1. Rabcat

    Problems finding a rescue bunny near me

    Hi Keletkezes I have just spoken to Honey Bunnies and they may have a girl for me. She has been reserved but the person may want a younger bunny that is arriving tomorrow. I’m going to send my details to Honey Bunnies on their Facebook page so that they can see my set up. They also advised...
  2. Rabcat

    Problems finding a rescue bunny near me

    That’s amazing! My brothers live in Diss which is 17 miles from me. Do you have the Honeybunnies website address as for some reason I couldn’t find it yesterday. I also wanted to put a picture of my two bunnies on as they are really sweet together ��
  3. Rabcat

    Problems finding a rescue bunny near me

    Leicester is 100 miles away from me which may be difficult. I’m not giving up though. It really is so upsetting to lose one of these dear little ones as they are amazing x
  4. Rabcat

    Problems finding a rescue bunny near me

    Thank you both. I moved from Birmingham in February. I got my Jeremy bunny from Fat Fluffs last year and they bonded him with Bessie. When I joined here I had 7 bunnies and Bessie is the last of the original group. I shall try your suggestions. There are so many boy bunnies available within...
  5. Rabcat

    Problems finding a rescue bunny near me

    Hi all :wave: My dear little Bessie bunny will not be with me for much longer as she isn’t very well. I’m dreading the day that I have to let her go. I am also really worried about Jeremy, her partner. Jeremy bunny will miss her immensely as when he came to live with me last year it was the...
  6. Rabcat

    Hello again

    Hello :wave:
  7. Rabcat

    Hello again

    Aww thank you :) I’m only finding male bunnies at the mo. Bessie is eating but also losing weight. Poor little bun ☹️
  8. Rabcat

    Hello again

    Bessie is the brown and white bunny in my pic ��
  9. Rabcat

    Hello again

    Thank you lovely. Bessie is only likely to be with us for another week at the most. I’ve been cuddling her and tucked her up just before this heavy rain that’s here again!
  10. Rabcat

    Hello again

    Hi all I hope that you are keeping well and managing in this strange new world that we find ourselves in. I haven’t been on here for a very long time. I had 7 bunnies when I last posted and since then I have lost 6 of them - Cadbury, Lucky, Millie, Dylan, Thomas and Flopsy am now going to lose...
  11. Rabcat

    How do I know when to let Millie go :-(

    Millie has been diagnosed with neurological problems and will not get better. She only has her front left paw that she can use. Other than that she is eating and drinking and is really has bonded with me - I wash her and she washes me. I move her around and carry her about the house. Her bro...
  12. Rabcat

    Bunny losing use of back legs - grateful of advice

    Made a decision about Millie my now disabled bun Today I put Flopsy and Cadbury in what was Millie and Dylan home in the shed. They didn't move and seemed really stressed even though I put their bedding etc in there for them. It was obvious that it wouldn't work and I couldn't leave them...
  13. Rabcat

    I'm not saying my bunnies are spoiled....

    OMG - I want to be a bunny and move in right now! :love:
  14. Rabcat

    I’ve messed up...Update: EC flair up

    Reading this post has made me so very sad and even more appreciative of your advice about my Millie. You are obviously a very special person with a great big heart. I am so sorry that you lost Chester and my heart goes out to you. Binky free Chester in the knowledge that you were a very loved...
  15. Rabcat

    Thank you.

    Hello again :wave: Thank you for taking the time to respond to my dilemma. Your interest and concern are very much appreciated and your selflessness is just amazing. Xx
  16. Rabcat

    Bunny losing use of back legs - grateful of advice

    This is a crazy situation. I worry that Millie will get really cold outside as she can't move around a lot. Dylan has backed away which means that Millie won't be cuddled. My two indoor buns have lived inside for some time so I am not totally happy about them going in the shed. I can't keep...
  17. Rabcat

    Bunny losing use of back legs - grateful of advice

    Hello HM - I know what you mean about my indoor buns which is why I hesitate. Today I have noticed that Dylan has backed away from Millie. He doesn't have much contact with her at all. I gather that he can sense that she is poorly. This adds another dimension to the situation which I need to...
  18. Rabcat

    Bunny losing use of back legs - grateful of advice

    Thank you Zoobec x
  19. Rabcat

    Bunny losing use of back legs - grateful of advice

    Hi again Your replies have been really helpful and reassuring that I am right at the moment to give Millie a chance. The vet didn't offer or suggest anything other than metacam and said as I was leaving "I don't know why I've given you such a big bottle as you are not likely to need it for...
  20. Rabcat

    Bunny losing use of back legs - grateful of advice

    Thank you very much both :wave: This started around a month ago when Millie started to limp. She had an X-ray and the vet said that she had arthritis in her front right leg. I took her back to the vet when she started struggling with her back legs and was told that it could be a result of EC...