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  1. lilbun

    Endeavour- Updated 17th Feb- Some Improvement

    Thinking of you both xx
  2. lilbun

    Endeavour- Updated 17th Feb- Some Improvement

    Lots of get-well vibes for beautiful Endeavour xxx
  3. lilbun

    Morse's Memorial Chair Today

    I was so sorry to hear of Morse's passing- I can't believe it's been two years (I've been off forum for so long). He really was a special, beautiful and inspirational little man. Thinking of you today xx
  4. lilbun

    What's the longest tunnel your rabbits have made?

    Mango Fattyharebit dug one that was at least 10 foot- she disappeared one day and I had to attach the night-vision baby monitor to an eight foot pole to try to see whether she was in there (still couldn't see her)- when she reappeared some hours later I had to block it off. I felt really mean...
  5. lilbun

    John-Boy is Very Ill U/D 2nd September -He's Gone :-(

    I've been away so didn't see this until today- I'm so sorry for your loss :cry::cry: Binky free with your brothers and sisters John-Boy xx
  6. lilbun

    I am About to Loose Another Rabbit :-( U/D 5th Sept

    I hope William remains comfortable for his remaining time xx
  7. lilbun

    Hal- He Just Choked :-( -Updated 6th September

    Thank goodness you were there- he is a lucky bunny to have you for his mummy xx
  8. lilbun

    Leila Can't Walk On Hind Legs, *Sad News - PTS 8/9/12*

    I'm sorry to hear Leila is struggling again/still. I had hoped no news was good news. It may be that there are more things going on- e.g. a bit of arthritis as well as E. c.- I can't remember whether She has had x-rays? Is there any chance you could see Laura again to see if she has any more...
  9. lilbun

    Metacam doseage

    Is your vet experienced with rabbits? If so they should be familiar with the correct dosages. Also steroids such as prednisolone can have significant side effects in rabbits so they should be used with caution. An NSAID such as metacam may be a safer option. Whilst hind limb weakness may be due...
  10. lilbun

    The Baby again

    Awww :love: :love:
  11. lilbun

    This forum can be NASTY!

    I haven't seen the recent threads you are referring too but it's true that sometimes people can seem to jump on someone- I understand that sometimes things need to be said for the sake of animal welfare that people may not want to hear but there are ways of putting things and generally it's...
  12. lilbun

    Please can I have good vibes for Walter: Trichobezoar UD: Home but very poorly

    I hoe Walter makes a full recovery xx
  13. lilbun

    I've just given Flossie a heart attack

    I'm so sorry :cry: Please don't blame yourself- if she had a heart defect she could have gone at any time, it wasn't something you did wrong xx
  14. lilbun

    Some Kind of Head Tilt?? DRUG DOSAGE SEEMS WRONG- HELP!

    Sounds like torticollis (wry neck) whick can be a form of head tilt- I would take him to a vet asap for diagnosis and treatment xx
  15. lilbun

    chloramphenicol for Mimzy-U/D Aug 7-discontinued

    It's a shame the CMP didn't suit him, but you're right to stop it. 'm not sure what you mean by TMS- do you mean Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole? What about an injectable oxytetracycline, or are injectables out altogether? From memory I think I have found oxytet easier to inject than penicillin...
  16. lilbun

    cleaning to get rid of ear mites in free range buns in lounge :wave:
  17. lilbun

    My bunny ate paint!

    It could cause problems (neurological symptoms) if it was lead-based paint- it it an old house? xx
  18. lilbun

    Some Kind of Head Tilt?? DRUG DOSAGE SEEMS WRONG- HELP!

    As in twitching to the left and back again or just dropping to the side? It sounds like it could be a mild head tilt- I would get it checked out before it gets worse. As well as the usual suspects such as E cuniculi and inner ear infection pain in the region of the ear/head can cause a mild tilt xx
  19. lilbun


    The rapid improvement may well be due to the steroid injection. It's possible that the symptoms will return gradually as the effects of the steroid wear off- that doesn't mean he won't get better but it can be a long slow road to recovery with many ups and downs along the way. You will need to...
  20. lilbun

    please help - blood

    Yeah, that sounds like the quick. The hollow nail will need pulling off otherwise he'll keep catching it and it will be sore. A new nail should grow soon though xx