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  1. KarenM

    Farewell Sully ;_;

    I can't believe it's been a year either & you shouldn't feel bad for posting on an old thread. Thinking of you 💔
  2. KarenM

    Need help registering/activating your account?

    I'm not sure if this thread is redundant now the new software is up & running - hopefully it's solved the issues with account activation. To clarify, if you can post in OTHER forum sections, your account has been activated. If you can ONLY post in this thread/section, then let us know and I...
  3. KarenM

    Hamish today

    Awww, bless him. 🥰 He looks so diddy. Ours were both sent home with a medical suit - looks very funny on a fluffy cat lol, but less restrictive than a cone at least.
  4. KarenM

    Meet Hamish (cat thread)

    Gorgeous boy. I need more cats in my life. 🥰
  5. KarenM

    Rehoming rabbits

    There's some advice in this sticky on how best to rehome, questions to ask prospective adopters etc. Thread 'Advice on Rehoming Your Rabbit' Please note that we don't allow the sale of rabbits, so I've...
  6. KarenM

    Bertie’s regal reading

    Bertie IS the king! 👑
  7. KarenM

    Need help registering/activating your account?

    But confusion is my middle name. 🤣 I don't know if it's an old issue that's been solved with the new software actually, but I'll add what I just wrote to the first post in this thread.
  8. KarenM

    Need help registering/activating your account?

    Just to clarify 🙈 If you can only post in this thread, your account still needs activating and I'm checking here regularly for you. If you can post in other sections of the forum already, then your account is active and you're good to go.
  9. KarenM

    Rabbit furniture ideas pls

    There's a local guy on Facebook (page is called Wood You Want It?) who could probably make you stuff to order if you know what sort of things you're looking for.
  10. KarenM

    My vets have left

    Ikwym! There's no telling how long he'll stay and they might not even be taking on new clients. 🙈 It's Apollo Vets in Black Notley.
  11. KarenM

    My vets have left

    Oh no, yep I've had that before too... quite a few times. So sorry it's happened to you too and I hope you can find someone else who you have confidence in. Graciee, William is in Braintree now... not sure if that's a little too far away to be practical though?
  12. KarenM

    Need help registering/activating your account?

    All sorted. Just a heads up to new members - if you can post in forums, your account is already active. (y)
  13. KarenM

    Breeding two sisters

    ADMIN NOTE. Please bear in mind the Forum Rules when replying or else you might find your post gets removed and/or the mods will issue a warning. Thank you to everyone who's posted so far & explained their thoughts on this in a diplomatic way. I think the points I would have mentioned have...
  14. KarenM

    Just making sure this is 'legal' on the forum

    RU isn't a rescue forum. The intention when it was formed was to improve welfare for all rabbits. Of course, over time, this has meant that a large proportion of members are either involved in rescue or very pro-rescue themselves.... there are so many rabbits in rescues in the UK (and the US I...
  15. KarenM

    Bonding q

    Oh, best of luck! I always put Alfie in last as he was most territorial. If in doubt, I'd put the buck in first though.
  16. KarenM

    Need help registering/activating your account?

    Did you get the activation email? I just checked in the admin panel and it looks like your account is already active.
  17. KarenM

    Only one thing to do with a wet pussy

    Yup, armpits are the worst. Even if we can bribe Freddie with food he's never in a position where we can get to those hard to reach places.
  18. KarenM

    Only one thing to do with a wet pussy

    He's got a super long reach... and very sharp teeth too. Not only that but he keeps attacking even if we back off or try to walk away so it's really difficult. And painful. 🤣 We used to think grooming our longhaired moggy was hard work but that was nothing.
  19. KarenM

    Grief after having rabbit pts

    So very sorry you're posting in such sad circumstances. It sounds like your bunny had a wonderful life and letting them go can be the hardest thing, even though we know it's the right thing for them. Grief brings all kinds of feelings and it's all a part of that grieving process. I'm glad that...