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  1. D

    Rabbit shed flooring

    Sorry, been a busy week and just back to this - they are a nice darker grass green like the first two photos, not lime green like the last!! Very easy to cut, I just use a kitchen knife usually.
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    Rabbit shed flooring

    These are the ones I have - ArkMat, if you have a look around you can find variations in colour, thickness, size and deals. They are not interlocking, they are 6x4ft sheets but they butt up against each other well and are easy to trim exactly to fit with a sharp knife, so there aren't many raw...
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    Rabbit shed flooring

    I've got EVA stable mats on my floors - the permanent housing has thicker mats, the horsebox temporary accommodation has the thinner wall mats. The thicker ones are surprisingly soft and warm and non-slip, but not abrasive. Easy to sweep, a little trickier to mop as they have a slight texture...
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    Bonding 24/7

    When we did it there was 2 of us most of the time, but any brief periods when we had to leave them we had it setup so we could just slide a wire divider in for those few minutes, so they weren't disturbed and weren't moved. Maybe an option rather than having to literally split them into crates...
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    Baby bunny!! *NJORD!!!*

    Thankfully he came through great, didn't eat at the vets unsurprisingly but I put him straight in a clean litter tray (they have big dog beds with readigrass over straw pellets) and he immediately nibbled a bit of readigrass. Had a nibble of pear when offered, and another nibble of readigrass...
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    What litter/bedding is everyone using nowadays for litter trays?

    We use Strawmax pellets with a layer of readigrass over the top - if you don't like the pellets themselves you can damp them before use and they make a nice soft fluffy but no dust covering that's easy to pick out the wet bits or scrape the poos off if you don't want to put anything on top. It...
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    Baby bunny!! *NJORD!!!*

    Baby Lugs (Njord, Njordicle, Luggage) has gone to be neutered today, just dropped him off. Bit delayed due to Freja's issues, and not without some trepidation given my current record with health and animals, but he's in good hands. At least he's had a bit longer with hormones to grow strong...
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    Poorly Freja :-(

    My thoughts exactly!!!
  9. D

    Poorly Freja :-(

    Woohoo!! First week off syringe feeds, no emeprid for 5 days, and she's gained 260g in a week!! She is still a little wary of a couple of things, but yesterday she snatched a piece of pear (never tried pear when she was ill) and ran off with it which was so lovely to see. She's also literally...
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    Poorly Freja :-(

    Yeah, I think I can only confidently say her mouth and tongue were healed about a week ago, when she started yawning, using her tongue more, and showing much better jaw movement. But it seems like she just got scared of eating almost anything because it hurt for so long, either to chew, or...
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    Poorly Freja :-(

    Finally!! Some real progress. We've seen her steadily eating more and a greater variety, but dropping syringe feeds reduced output too much. We dropped painkillers end of last week, no change. Monday we dropped the morning dose of emeprid, no change. Over the past 5 days we slowly reduced her...
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    Too many pellets

    See if you can acces Agrobs products, they cover quite a few countries. My guys (ponies and bunnies!) love their products. But you might actually be better off over there than we are here, most of the good products we import from Germany, you might well have more than us already.
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    Heidi cancer update March 15 2024

    I am so sorry. I hope you can find all sorts of ways to spoil her and make her time as good as you possibly can. The one advantage of having a limited timeline is that you can use all the pain meds available if necessary without needing to consider longterm implications, and that is a precious...
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    Too many pellets

    Ill have a look and see if I can find a supplier of the hay cobs in smaller portions - though I'm sure if you wrote to the company they would send a sample. They are like mini hay cookies, bigger than grass pellets by about 4 times. But there are bunny suppliers who I am sure package them into...
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    Poorly Freja :-(

    I don't think it's possible for her to have eaten too much or too quickly, because even though she's eating it is so very little compared to what she needs. And today is the first time I've seen her eat herbs at close to normal speed. But I think you're right, the emeprid needs tailing off more...
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    Poorly Freja :-(

    Very much so.
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    Poorly Freja :-(

    Well, until yesterday things were going slowly but steadily better - Friday night she ate loads overnight (advantage of having an immobile bun is that it's very easy to leave a slightly separate pile that he can't reach but she can without it being entirely separate!) and was eating well during...
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    John-Joe - U/D 22nd June 2024

    Pretty sure vibes aren't finite, so you can have as many as you need. Really hope he pulls around soon.
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    Too many pellets

    Just rereading this and wondering if you've thought of grass pellets? You can get them in different sizes from equestrian supplies, so you could try asking in local horse groups for samples to try (or write to the suppliers), but if they prefer eating pellets they would at least be eating grass...
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    Poorly Freja :-(

    Sorry for slow updates - between going back to work, fitting in all their meds and syringe feeds and getting everyone else cared for I'm not online much! We're making slow but relatively steady progress I think. She went into stasis again Monday night just after I'd given the vet an update and...