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  1. H

    Gracie is dead ... joined 8 days later by Daisy. RIP

    I am so sorry you lost Gracie. She sounds like a very much Lord and special bunny.
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    Great quality hay £3.50 a bale in the South West

    Bumping this up in case someone needs some lovely, high quality hay for the winter ;-) .
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    Sleep Tight Binkybop

    I am so sorry you lost Binky. Is she the rabbit in your avatar? She is gorgeous.
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    What really goes on under my bed............. The secret stash!

    What a gorgeous cheeky lop :love: What is his/her name?
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    Advice Needed - Should I Complain?

    I am glad Roger is doing better. However, I would definitely complain. Not only were you not informed properly about the costs, but they apse refused to hand him back to you and are also incompetent cos they didn't even find out what was wrong with him.
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    French lop vs Minni lop?

    Defo get from a rescue. Then you will know about the character and possible health issues which breeders will not tell you about.
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    French lop vs Minni lop?

    I have had 2 lops both around 2.5kg, so I suppose they would be called mini lops. Both have/had ( lost one recently at 13.5 yrs , the black and white lop in my signarure) fantastic super cuddly characters. A lot more cuddly than my other rabbits, which are also very sweet and cuddly, but just...
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    Talking Rabbit behaviour and instincts. (a little bun philosophy)

    He clearly loves you. Most rabbits panick when being picked up, They are prey animals and in the wild being picked up means they are about to be killed. I have rabbit who absolutely hates being picked up and struggles like mad, however as soon as I sit on the floor, sofa or lie on my bed she...
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    Rabbit bleeding, dog bite?

    Is she spayed? A rabbit a found had blood on her back 2 days after I found her, 2 days after that I found 3 babies under my bed- alive and healthy. If she is not spayed, check if there are any babies. Otherwise do get her checked out by a vet. Fingers crossed all is well.
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    One of the Ways Lord H's Chronic Gut Problems Effect Him

    I am glad he is stable :-).
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    One of the Ways Lord H's Chronic Gut Problems Effect Him

    This is exactly what my rabbit looks like. I had a CT done 2yrs ago. It revealed a huge fur ball in her stomach which the vet said was too huge to go anywhere and as food was still passing though recommended not to operate due to the risk of lesions. And something further down in her digestive...
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    Little Man 13,5 incredible yrs

    I am sorry to hear you lost your mother. Some people are very strong and proud. I grew up with dogs and cats and when they got ill for some reason I found it a lot less stressful. Whereas when there is something wrong with the rabbits, it is an entirely different story. Probably because vets...
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    Little Man 13,5 incredible yrs

    I am fine, although even though he was so old and it was to be expected, he was in perfect health until the last week of his life. For some stupid reason I almost expected him to live forever. Obviously rationally I knew he wouldn't, but he kind of always seemed to have been a part of my life...
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    VHD2 Vaccinations - How Much Did You Pay?

    £25 just for the VHD2 vaccs.
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    Little Man 13,5 incredible yrs

    Thanks Mighty Max. I will post pics and write more about him when I have time. 13.5 yrs is such a long time it is like losing a dog.
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    Great quality hay £3.50 a bale in the South West

    Hi bunnymum85, At £3.50 a bale it is such a bargain that you can also use it as bedding. I adopted the breeding doe of a petshop a couple of yrs ago. She had terrible sore hocks as all she had for bedding were old newspapers. Now I just pile the hay high and whatever they don't eat remains as...
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    Little Man 13,5 incredible yrs

    Little Man Feb 2003 - August 2016 After 13,5 incredible yrs and not one day of illness I had to put little man to sleep. He was the most intelligent incredible rabbit. One of my favorite memories of him: I was sitting on the sofa got up to go to the kitchen to get a cuppa, when I could see...
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    Great quality hay £3.50 a bale in the South West

    I just quickly wanted to share this with you in case you life in near Bath /Bristol and are looking for some great quality hay for your rabbits. There is a farmer in Salford who sells his own hay which my fussy rabbits absolutely love, for £3.50 a bale. The road to his farm is directly off...
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    Floki the wild rabbit

    I am so sorry you lost Floki. She was my favourite and I shared her lovely story with many friends. I am absolutely heart broken she was so incredible, a truly one in a million rabbit. You and your family loved her so very much and she had a wonderful life with you, the best she could possibly...
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    Lolly's babies *WARNING* This is too cute!

    Too cute, I am in shock ;)