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  1. D

    Is it 'Wrong' to Keep House Rabbits ?

    Alvin did better as an outside rabbit at hopper haven i think his stasis episodes were completely gone. I have always said id not get bunnies again but if i did they would have an outside setup rather than stuck in my house.
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    Hello (:

    Oh they are adorable. Lovely to meet you all :D
  3. D

    Is there a particular rabbit breed

    Belgian hare :love: :love:
  4. D

    What have yours eaten illicitly?

    Alvin was quite partial to wall paper and dried dog bicsuits. Pearl took out our arial wire and a couple of wire attached to stes gaming wheel and other comp stuff. By the time we got Holly id pretty much sussed how to protect the house so i dont think she got at anything she wasnt supposed to...
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    Apache is gone

    :cry: loved Apache, so very sorry xxxxxxx
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    Guilt / Loss of Rabbit

    he was very old so you really shouldn't feel guilty about his last few weeks/months. I have the same guilt for my chipmunk, she had slowed down to an almost stop but still seemed happy enough, now she is gone after a really bad turn I worry that she suffered in the months before even though she...
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    Picking up the rabbits tomorrow….1 carrier or 2?

    i used 1 carrier for two rabbits. once bonded that was them together all the time :love:
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    My easter bunnies

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    Rescue List Help

    buddies in midlothian closed recently too
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    Rescue List Help

    i think fife closed, pegasus was a volunteer there if shes still about on here for you to check with :wave::wave:
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    Calling All Those Who Have Lops- a Request

    im not 100% sure what she found, but Alvin has an abscess or something in his ears, not sure if he had it when he was with me or not but Lou has said its quite normal for lops to get ear problems :wave::wave::wave:
  12. D

    What would you do? UD haha I was right!

    I would of said no from the start. ive only ever had bad bunny experiences so I certainly wouldnt take on someone else's for any period of time. now they are in your care I guess it is up to you to fund the care or find a new home for them if they are not wanted at the original home.
  13. D

    Anyone go to the vet just for nail clipping?! -Found a better solution :)

    I used to. Every few months they would go for claw clippings. If I could i would sync it with vaccinations to save a trip. ste refused to help because he had a bad experience clipping ralph the dogs claws before we met and i couldnt do it on my own.
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    what do you have in your bunny first aid kit...

    when Alvin lived here it was metacam, gripe water, baby food and gut stimulant in tablet form. wasn't really prepared for other emergencies just bloody hunger strike :roll::lol::lol:
  15. D

    People don't understand bunny love!!

    i always found that people were quite fascinated that i had a bunny in the house that could use the loo properly. even if they did think i was mad no-one ever said it to my face :lol::lol::lol::lol: I'm also quick picky with the people I bother to talk to as well, generally stick to people who...
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    not really my pic to share but

    I always hoped he would join a group because he seems to be very unlucky with his ladies :( hopefully now he will never be alone again :D:D
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    not really my pic to share but

    look at Alvin all happy at Hopper Haven :love::love::love::love::love::love:
  18. D

    Coventry & West Midland people, do you use a pet sitting service for your rabbits?

    have you asked at your vets? ive seen a few posts on here over the years that people pay a vet nurse who is willing to pop in an check on buns :wave::wave::wave:
  19. D

    What exactly is the difference...

    they can charge more for the eating one probably :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  20. D

    My heart is starting to hurt :(

    *hugs* xxxxx