Search results

  1. doorkeeper

    Older rabbits & sleeping habits

    Sleeping more is definitely perfectly normal in older rabbits. As long as they still enjoy the time they spend moving around and wake up and pay attention at dinner time I don't worry about it at all. We have and have had many elderly rabbits. At the moment we have several who don't do much...
  2. doorkeeper

    Metacam Now Available Again

    Yes we just got two big bottles on a prescription because our vets normally use the generic these days. The generic version works perfectly well but the rabbits don't like it. The ones who have it regularly come begging for the genuine one and nearly snatch the syringe out of my hand as they...
  3. doorkeeper

    How have you annoyed your rabbit today?

    I made it rain. Everything is my fault around here:~
  4. doorkeeper

    Outdoor or Indoor?

    Outside, always outside. They are so much happier. I feel really guilty when any of ours have to come inside for any reason.
  5. doorkeeper

    Outdoor Rabbits - Paranoia

    You really need to insulate that hutch. It is only thin cheap wood and not at all warm. Buy some of the foil bubblewrap and staple it all over the outside, a couple of layers preferably and then put a layer of tarp over it if you can't make or buy a proper cover. And tonight bring them inside...
  6. doorkeeper


    We have lots of blind rabbits because we have lots of old rabbits. It is very common and doesn't pose much of a problem for them. We have one old fellow who has been here for eleven years and can't see anything anymore but he still jumps up onto the table and goes out into the run and digs in...
  7. doorkeeper

    Anyone have rabbits that can't be vaccinated?

    Not at all. We had a lot of unvaccinated rabbits here in 2010 when we lost 5 rabbits to vhd. We immediately vaccinated all of them and no more got it, although five did succumb to the effects of being vaccinated over the next month, a far more prolonged affair than the disease. So the score was...
  8. doorkeeper

    Would you have your Doe spayed? The discussion continues .. 26 May 2017

    The figure of 80% came from a very limited number (twelve I think) of related laboratory rabbits and it is very dubious whether it could be duplicated in rabbits living a good life. Given the impact of lifestyle on human cancer rates it is reasonable to assume that it would make a difference to...
  9. doorkeeper

    Look what Doris did!

    Guinea pug?? You must be tired. Not surprising after that mammoth effort! You are such a star:)
  10. doorkeeper

    Look what Doris did!

    Well the rabbits have their runs back thanks to Caroline and her chain saw. The posts are fine. And the wire has gone back up. It was rather crumpled and the staples had popped out but fixing it is so much easier than if it had been solid fencing. But there is still an awful lot of tree...
  11. doorkeeper

    Look what Doris did!

    The other two trustees, Jennifer and Caroline, are brilliant handy women and have dealt with several of these leylandii when they have fallen before so I am sure they can deal with the top bit, and they will get the fences mended and do the shed roof. And we have a volunteer who owns a chainsaw...
  12. doorkeeper

    Look what Doris did!

    We are in Redditch, the other side of the county from Worcester. I am hoping we can get the top of the tree dealt with ourselves so the runs can be repaired but the trunk is too heavy and would be dangerous to mess about with, but luckily we are not using that section of the garden at the...
  13. doorkeeper

    Look what Doris did! Nobun was hurt but three pairs have had their runs wrecked and have had to move. Hopefully we can get them sorted quickly. The feed shed roof is shredded too.
  14. doorkeeper

    is it best to move elderly buns indoors in the winter???

    Our older rabbits love it outside. It would be completely unfair to move them inside. I even feel guilty if I have to keep any of them in a stable temporarily. I am sure the natural environment outside is why we have so many really old rabbits. We have at least thirty who are over 8 and a...
  15. doorkeeper

    Gift for rabbit rescue - most needed / useful?

    I hate to spoil your thought but fenugreek crunchies are bad for rabbits as they are mostly corn. I bin them along with most treats we are given. Believe me money or a grocery voucher is best and saves the rescue from lamenting the waste represented by an unneeded gift. We get so much donated...
  16. doorkeeper

    Thermal foil sheets for keeping buns warm... Or self heating blankets....

    We have used sheets of foil to hang down the front of the hutches under the covers at night instead of bubblewrap this year as good quality bubblewrap in affordable rolls of the right width was very hard to find. And we put a layer on the underside of the roof too. We also used foil bubblewrap...
  17. doorkeeper

    Tramadol Stockists

    It comes as capsules that you can easily open and mix with water. It tastes horrible though. Don't expect them to take it willingly. If they are having metacam too give the tramadol first so the metacam will take the nasty taste away.
  18. doorkeeper

    House bunnies at night

    we have about 30 rabbits over 8 living outside. their hutches are well insulated and they have plenty of hay but no heating. they do really well, even when there is ice on the water bowls. rabbit fur is really warm, especially next to another warm body. cold ears aren't a problem, the rabbit...
  19. doorkeeper

    I very much admire and respect owners of outdoor rabbits!

    It was really cold cleaning them out today, lots of bowls had ice in them, but it was not as bad as a few years ago. Chipping frozen rabbit wee out of a hutch is not fun!! I really hope it doesn't get that bad this year:( Fingerless gloves are a lifesaver as you can't work properly with ones...
  20. doorkeeper

    House bunnies at night

    they are wearing fur coats you know, don't worry about indoor rabbits getting cold