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  1. Clare-uk

    colour of house??

    Beautiful bunny home snuffles :love:
  2. Clare-uk

    colour of house??

    Thank you zoobec, looks like b&q will be getting a visit :thumb:
  3. Clare-uk

    colour of house??

    Is cuprinol safe for chewing? I've been thinking of decorating for my two as well :)
  4. Clare-uk

    Nena's jaw/tooth root abscess

    I'm so very sorry to hear about Nena. Your love and devotion to your girl was clear for all to see. (Sorry this is late, im not about much now but always checked on your thread to see how things were) Binky free Nena xxx
  5. Clare-uk

    Brain Parasite :(

    Oh I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you can take some comfort knowing he was with you and he felt safe. Binky free Sid xx
  6. Clare-uk

    My darling Toffee is going to the bridge today

    I'm so sorry you had to make the decision, it's always the hardest choice. Binky free Toffee xx
  7. Clare-uk

    Enya- 15th July 2016

    Binky free beautiful Enya, together with her Colin again xx
  8. Clare-uk

    Nena's jaw/tooth root abscess

    I can understand and sympathise with how your thinking. I think when you are in tune with your animals you seem to know, that gut feeling changes. I will be thinking of you and Nena on Tuesday. There is no doubt that you have done fantastic with her treatment and giving her that chance to just...
  9. Clare-uk

    hello says mabels

    Mabels you are a beauty :love: Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk
  10. Clare-uk


    So very sorry for your loss. People who don't spend time caring for animals really don't get just how big a part they play in our lives. Binky free beautiful Scarlett xx
  11. Clare-uk

    Why won't my rabbit eat her hay?

    Ditto for the signs of dental work being possible. Have you tried something like the timothy hays you can get? It seems to be very tempting :)
  12. Clare-uk

    Please help rabbit pts

    Rabbits being prey animals hide symptoms of illness very well :( this can be why it seems like they go downhill very fast. But then saying that they can also seem fine one minute and then you have to make that heartbreaking decision. It's never easy and even when in the past I've known it's the...
  13. Clare-uk

    A few pics of Molly monkey....

    I adore all black animals :love: just look at her smooshy face & she looks after her blankets so well. My girls would have them all over the place :roll:
  14. Clare-uk

    Rabbit Awareness Week - Billy the Rescue Bunny

    Billy is a handsome boy indeed :love: sure it won't be long before he finds a lovely forever home :)
  15. Clare-uk

    What Enya Was up to at 0600hrs This Morning

    :love: beauty and that grass looks so scrummy x
  16. Clare-uk

    Some Rabbits Take the Matter of Sleeping VERY Seriously

    And the winner of the UK's first sleeping lions competion goes to ......drum roll..... Lord H :) he's still such a gorgeous boy :love:
  17. Clare-uk

    Lydia and Lucy, friends!

    Beautiful girlies :love:
  18. Clare-uk

    Daisy dining Al Fresco!

    :love: what a beauty and I love her laid back eating style :)
  19. Clare-uk

    My baby Poppy

    The bead is so very pretty just like your Poppy. Lots of noserubs for Ragnar x