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  1. tlcwrites

    Someone got a new wheel..

    So cute. Uraya always seems to drag nuts she needs to deshell into her wheel, then forgets about it and starts running in the wheel with the nut rattling inside. Thanks, ham.
  2. tlcwrites

    Alternative to a ramp.

    We also do free-standing hops: We use one for access to a hutch standing on top of a run. I've not yet met a rabbit that prefers a ramp to hops/stairs. Shortly we will be making an alternative design to the free...
  3. tlcwrites

    Is there any sound...

    Nope, and yet, I have serious misophonia when it comes to people (myself included) eating!
  4. tlcwrites

    mini rex......

    They are quite small. Both Helios and Selene are between 2.2 and 2.5kg. But their body shape is completely different to Persephone's, at 1.9kg. Persephone is a little chunk though. H and Se have that longer, more graceful look of Atticus and Clemetine, just smaller and OAPs of the bunny world.
  5. tlcwrites

    mini rex......

    Wow, she's much bigger than my 2 standard rexes and much much bigger than my mini. :lol:
  6. tlcwrites

    I'm going to a Magic: the Gathering prerelease tomorrow...

    Ha, the only round we won was due to a bye! Ah well had fun and got some of the cards I really wanted for Commander decks. And yes, it is very addictive once you start understanding it!
  7. tlcwrites

    I'm going to a Magic: the Gathering prerelease tomorrow...

    Not too bad at all! I would be very happy with that. :) Thank you. Got my fingers crossed for some good pulls and good times. :) And I have my bunny playmat of course. (It's from StarCityGames - I have no idea if they still do it or do delivery etc. I bought mine at a Grand Prix ran by them.)
  8. tlcwrites

    I'm going to a Magic: the Gathering prerelease tomorrow...

    The more important question is out of how many?! :D My best result was 2nd at a pre-release (and yes, I did use this mat.) Tomorrow's pre-release is my first for three or so years though. And it's 2HG. Still, looking forward to it.
  9. tlcwrites

    I'm going to a Magic: the Gathering prerelease tomorrow...

    ...the title of the thread isn't the most important detail to people here. The most important part is the playmat I'm taking to use tomorrow: :D
  10. tlcwrites beautiful big girl...lots of photos and vids added

    I'm so, so very sorry for your loss. Binky free, Dolly.
  11. tlcwrites

    Introducing Wulfric

    Thanks all. :) I'm glad we've got him, he's a little character. Oh my goodness, that's brilliant! Well obviously not, but so glad that you're best buds now. He did bite me the other day though, but he'd escaped his new Alaska (now sorted) and we were trying to catch him. That was a "fun" day...
  12. tlcwrites

    Introducing Wulfric

    I'm sure he'll be fine given time. He yelled at me for a good 15 minutes, but by the end of the session he was just clicking and running over my hands. Hopefully after a few more he'll be fine. Have to admit I'm just imagining you and him having a screaming match though! :lol:
  13. tlcwrites

    Fabala's Dental and Eye Journey

    She's definitely feeling better in herself, she goosed at me really loudly today as she came into the bathroom for nighttime eye drop and treats. Photo from today:
  14. tlcwrites

    Introducing Wulfric

    The (very screamy) Syrian hamster. Wulfric has been here about a week now. In that time, we've upgraded him to a new Alaska cage, which he promptly escaped. We've escape-proofed it now though. Today was the first serious taming session, and he screamed through 80% of it, but no biting which...
  15. tlcwrites

    Roisin (with a tiny bit of Lord H)

    Lovely girl :love:
  16. tlcwrites

    Vet Names vs Real Names

    All my animals are registered with their real first name at the vets. Most have middle names but those aren't on the system. The vets seem to like my animals names, which is good cause I do too. The most common question I get when registering a new pet is 'ok and how do you spell that?'
  17. tlcwrites

    Jessica’s dental 3 y/o

    I would definitely go for an xray, preferably coincided with her next dental so she wouldn't be sedated exclusively for her xray. I have a dental bun, Fabala, though by watching her behaviour you wouldn't know it. The vet practice we go to includes xrays in all dental ops (for any species) as...
  18. tlcwrites

    Fabala's Dental and Eye Journey

    Fabala is over producing caecotrophs again. It's a reoccurring problem that randomly comes and goes. I knew this when we adopted her, and know that she has had a battery of tests to find out why thanks to Jill at Honeybunnies. I do notice on days when it happens she is a bit quieter and keeps...
  19. tlcwrites

    Fabala's Dental and Eye Journey

    Finished one set of drops today, the one for inflammation. 7 weeks to go with the clorogen though!
  20. tlcwrites

    Jelly on a Bed

    Beautiful. :love: I love having house rabbits, couldn't be without them, but yeah, hay ends up everywhere!