Search results

  1. M

    Pippa, friendly little female (Essex) - REHOMED

    She's so sweet looking! What is her temperament like? Especially with other buns?
  2. M

    my 8 year old bunny is going down hill..U/D SHE'S GONE :o(

    I'm so very, very sorry for your loss. :(
  3. M

    Phoning the RSPCA

    Oh dear, I wasn't bashing them or saying they've not phoned me, but just wondering what people's experience was. I used to work for the Bristol Dogs & Cats Home, which is affiliated with the RSPCA (not an RSPCA shelter though) and trust me, I know how many animals in need there are out there...
  4. M

    VHD and Myxi Outbreaks Warning- last updated:1.11.08

    I saw suspected Myxi in probably unvaccinated rabbits in Cornwall this week. It wasn't pleasant. Informed RSPCA.
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    Phoning the RSPCA

    Anyone here ever do it? I phoned them to report some very sick buns I saw in a "Pets Corner" at one of those farm shop restaurant places when I was on holiday in Cornwall a few days ago. Gave them all my details and what I'd seen and my background with my vet nursing. They thanked me and said...
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    By Popular Request-SIR VICTOR VELVETEEN!!

    Oooh, what a handsome boy!!!
  7. M

    Oh ..

    I'm so very, very sorry. :(
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    chilled out legs

    Ooooh I lovelovelove fluffy bunny butts and feet!!!
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    Hooray that's soooo wonderful! Congrats Asbeau!!!!
  10. M

    Mr Psychoflops & Teeth Problems - Very Sad Ending!

    I'm so sorry :(
  11. M

    Little, Large and Large

    Aaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sooo sweet!!!
  12. M

    Old lady comes to stay at Briar Patch!

    She's beautiful but even LOOKS like a grumpy old lady. Adorable!! (Not that I find grumpy human ladies adorable, mind!!) I really hope she finds a comfy and loving retirement home!
  13. M

    Simba ..beautiful 3 year old doe

    I wish! I need a female version of Dylan (=stoned, totally relaxed, brain damaged, etc) for Finn as he's very aggressive...and then of course to convince the other half. *sigh*
  14. M

    Bramble & Dylan

    Well, I finally have pics of the loved up couple!!! Dylan is the orange lop, Bramble the Agouti. "Oh Dylan, your bum makes a comfy pillow!" "Feed us! Feed us!!" "ZZZZzzzzZZZzzzZzzZZzZZ"
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    Simba ..beautiful 3 year old doe

    Ooooh, I'm in looooove!!! I lovelovelove helicopter bunnies!!!
  16. M

    Tammy very pretty agouti girl

    Sorry, it's been pouring with rain!! So inconvenient, I tell you! Of course this morning, when it was brilliant sunshine, I OF COURSE completely forgot to take pictures...*sigh* Intelligent, I am not... Have been spying on them since they came home. They must think I'm such an annoying...
  17. M

    Help does Barney**UPDATE part toi!** back from vets again.

    That happened with my bun Lily. She was really bouncy in the morning, then a little calmer a few hours later, but that tended to happen in the middle of the day, as midday was sleepytime. We went to work and when we got home, she'd died. She was an indoor bun, but the post mortem showed she had...
  18. M

    Stop using the litter tray as a bed!!!!

    I learned this within the first few months of rabbit owning: Humans have it all wrong! Cushy bed thingies are meant to be wee'd on, and littertrays are meant to be slept on! Silly humans... :roll: I gave up, and offer them either one huge litter tray (underbed storage box) or two littertrays...
  19. M

    Baby Photos

    That's what I was thinking!!