Search results

  1. jerseygirl

    Rabbit vets that would consult with o/s vets?

    Thank you, good to know!
  2. jerseygirl

    Rabbit vets that would consult with o/s vets?

    Oh! It was John Chitty in Andover.
  3. jerseygirl

    Rabbit vets that would consult with o/s vets?

    Oh Jane! You “look” different :p I recognised your photos in the siggy and it took me a moment. 🙄 Thank you for the quick reply. I will pass on these details. I haven’t yet heard back if this owners vet will be open to doing this as yet. Fingers crossed. I’m doing a crash course on UK...
  4. jerseygirl

    Rabbit vets that would consult with o/s vets?

    Hi everyone I’m wondering if you could suggest some rabbit vets that you know will consult with other vets looking for help with diagnoses? I’m looking to assist another rabbit owner. I think they gave already asked OS vets themselves but I’m encouraging they have their vet seek other...
  5. jerseygirl

    Panacuring older rabbits

    Thanks so much for the feedback everyone. I’m to go vet tomorrow for another bun for check up, so I’ll mention it to her also. Thanks Battlekat. I think the loss has left me second guessing myself. Not unusual for that to happen with me. The bun I lost had gone in for a dental, came home- but...
  6. jerseygirl

    Panacuring older rabbits

    I've recently got a new companion for one of my rabbits who lost her mate during May. She is already with the new boy.. I'm considering doing 9 days panacur for them both. She's had head tilt last year (unknown cause). Her mother (now passed) also had this so I do think EC was a possibility. I...
  7. jerseygirl

    Griffyn - February 24, 2001 - December 12, 2018

    Ah Mimz... please accept my belated condolences. 💗 Rest peacefully, dear Griffyn xx
  8. jerseygirl

    New to Forum - rabbit has balance problems

    Hi BinaryBob7 Im sorry {{{Faith}}} is not doing so well. I echo the others in suggesting prompt vet care. The sooner this is treated, the better the outcome usually. The most common cause for loss of balance like this is inner ear infection, though there can be other causes. It can progress to...
  9. jerseygirl

    Fiver has come home

    Sending (((hugs)) MM. xxx
  10. jerseygirl

    Trouble with back legs - he's gone

    {{{Mr Bubble}}}
  11. jerseygirl

    Cheyletiella mites

    Stronghold topical treatment - the kitten/puppy dose. :thumb: You get 3 treatments in the pack but you might only need to one. Good stuff!
  12. jerseygirl

    Fiver ~ Gotcha Day Augst 20, 2008 - September 5, 2017

    There he is, Bambi Bun! :love: So precious. I love that you were able to spend your birthday with him this way. <3<3
  13. jerseygirl

    Fiver ~ Gotcha Day Augst 20, 2008 - September 5, 2017

    Oh MM. Im tearing up after reading your words. The love you have for your furbabies and this last act to set them free... Binky Free Fiver! Free of an ailing body and reunited with your friends. I loved getting to know you through your human companion. She loves you so much!
  14. jerseygirl


    Sorry, I completely messed up your screen name before! :oops: I see your concern if you're seeing thinning of fur on your other rabbit also. If it is fur loss from parasite,bacterial or fungal cause, it would make sense for it to be more advanced on the rabbit that is more poorly as his immune...
  15. jerseygirl

    Litter training help

    You were using vet bed for her before, weren't you? Does she still have that in the cage? Is your other rabbit housed near her?
  16. jerseygirl

    Litter training help

    Do you think she is aware when she is going?
  17. jerseygirl


    Hi StickyVee Im sorry for the troubles you've faced with him. I hope the treatment is helping. I have a couple questions: What cancer is he being treated for? What is the steriod he is on? Unforutunately, glucosteroids can lead to iatrogenic Cushing's in people and animals Is he having blood...
  18. jerseygirl

    Litter training help

    I wonder it could also be her age (becoming more hormonal) and her marking territory now that she is allowed the space again? Is it just in a cage that she is toileting everywhere? Is the rest of the cage now free of bedding?
  19. jerseygirl

    12 week old bunnies ? MITES??/ Photo Upload?

    Oops. I read original post as both bunnies having something but this is just on your girl? And you had noticed bites on her ear? As Jane mentioned, it could very well be a bunny bite on the body also. Either way, at this age separating them is recommended so they don't fight. Seeing things...
  20. jerseygirl

    12 week old bunnies ? MITES??/ Photo Upload?

    Stronghold (aka Revolution) is good stuff. Your vet will be able tell you dosage. Just be aware - never to use any product containing fipronil. It's toxic for rabbits.