Search results

  1. Liz47

    Jake and Fern

    Thank you ☺️ Oh yes that's true Tulsi we can head them from the living room too which is directly under the bedroom haha
  2. Liz47

    Jake and Fern

    Thank you! I enjoy hearing them munching hay at night but not so much the frequent wakes ups from their running around haha! Hopefully I'll get used to it or if not I soon go back to sleep ☺️
  3. Liz47

    Rabbit glucose settings for AlphaTrak3

    Oh I see, yeah that sounds unusual! Is it worth contacting the manufacturers and asking about which code to use for rabbits?
  4. Liz47

    Rabbit glucose settings for AlphaTrak3

    I had a diabetic dog and used an Alphatrak 2 for test his levels, is the Alphatrak 3 any different in that the code varies on the strips? Ie the code on the tub of test strips may vary each time for cat and dog, I used to check the code on each new tub of testing strips and put the dog one into...
  5. Liz47

    Jake and Fern

    Both went for their vaccines recently and I need to monitor their weights, they've both gained weight! Jake is borderline overweight and Fern is overweight, Fern is younger but Jake will be 10 in December so I don't want them having health issues due to excess weight, the vet was quite stern (in...
  6. Liz47

    Bertie has just passed - 24th may 2024

    I'm so sorry xx
  7. Liz47

    Breeding help

    I'm sorry you're loosing rabbits. Vaccination status would have been my first question too following multiple losses Rabbits go downhill very fast when poorly, is your vets open on a Saturday (quite a few are now), or if you call their number they will have out of hours protocols in place, just...
  8. Liz47

    What litter/bedding is everyone using nowadays for litter trays?

    We have the same problem with back 2 nature, we tend to use megazorb
  9. Liz47

    Bonding 24/7

    I've bonded quite a few pairs and try to do 24/7. In one case one rabbit was particularly nervous and he wouldn't eat or relax at the start so I did separate them (in neighbouring dog crates) overnight and for him to have breaks until he settled enough to do 24/7. To try and make things easier...
  10. Liz47

    Mia 2010 - 23.1.2024

    I'm so sorry xx
  11. Liz47

    Rabbit dentistry - burr or rasp?

    Burr, although I never really thought or knew about the difference! Gordon, my second rabbit, also had an injury from the tool slipping and it did cause a serious bleed but thankfully it was able to be stopped and treated
  12. Liz47

    Candle Ceremony 31~December~2023

    Jack 01/06/2006 - 17/05/2023 My best boy, a peaceful passing for which I will forever be grateful but I'd have never been ready to say goodbye. We will miss you every day 💗
  13. Liz47

    Upgrade Bugs - Report Issues Here

    I thought I saw it mentioned somewhere but I can't find it, when I upload pics they turn sideways, is there a way to stop that?
  14. Liz47

    Metacam Dispensing Rule Change in the UK

    Hello and welcome to the forum :) I work in a vets and whilst I'm currently on maternity leave I go in for keeping in touch days and learned about the updated dispensing guidelines, as you say it's all POM-V medications and the regulations state the vet must have physically examined the animal...
  15. Liz47

    the 2023 RU Rabbit Directory ....aka show us your bunnies

    Lovely photos and stories everyone 🥰 We have Jake who is 9 now, adopted from pets at home in 2014 after my partner saw him and the staff were saying he was aggressive and must be housed alone as he'd attacked another rabbit so was returned (2 unneutered males ..) From day one he was lovely...
  16. Liz47

    Atticus 2/3/17-29/10/23

    I'm so sorry, thinking of you all x
  17. Liz47

    Jenna 5-17-08 to 10-9-23

    I'm so sorry it was Jenna's time, I'm thinking of you. She was a wonderful dog who after a life filled with love is at peace xx
  18. Liz47

    Jake and Fern

    Thank you. It's lovely that they are around so much, we really like it if they come in the kitchen or front room! Jake even joined me in the bathroom for babies bath time last night :love: The front room isn't bunny proofed though so they're not often in, only sometimes come through if we are...
  19. Liz47

    Jake and Fern

    Just some recent pictures :) Sent from my moto g62 5G using Tapatalk
  20. Liz47

    Forum is really slow

    Fingers crossed! So strange it only seemed to affect us few!