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Rehomed: Tintin & Herge (Belgian Hare x)


Warren Veteran
well... we iz still ere :(

I donnut understanz it :? we iz bootiful, loving boyz and ave so much to giv...

we donnut dezervz to be stuck ere wiv no real mummy or daddy - we did make a muvvaz day card ready for our new mummy, but no-one choosed us :cry:

pleez fone Jill on: 01162869887 or send a meesij to 'honeybunny' and ask for de Belgian Boyz - Tintin & Herge! fankyoos :wave:

p.s. we did all de decorayting wiv our wee-wee befor we woz noo-ted... promis we won't do it agen :oops:
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Awww they are gorgeous and I'm so sad they don't have a forever home :cry:

If only I could take in all the bunnies I would.
Oh i wish! They are so gorgeous, i have been tempted since they were first shown on here, i cant understand why they dont have a home yet.
Why haven't these two been snapped up? They're adorbale. Like everyone else has said ... if only I had the room *sigh*
I can't belive these boys are still in rescue :(

If I had the money I would take them tomorrow. Absolutely gorgeous bunnies :love:

Hope their forever mummy or daddy comes to find them soon.
they're stunning:shock: they look really delicate and gentle:love: do these kind of buns need special accommodation (sorry, i know nothing about breeds:oops:)?
How on earth are these beautiful boys still with you :shock: when they were first posted I thought you would have people queuing up for them :cry: :cry:

They look just adorable :love: :love:
we donnut dezervz to be stuck ere wiv no real mummy or daddy - we did make a muvvaz day card ready for our new mummy, but no-one choosed us :cry:

That bit actually just made me well up a bit :oops: :cry:

I wish I had the room for more - I think they're beautiful x
just sent a PM as we may have room up here with our other buns and piggies they could live in next door run next to our belgian hare Topper ..
just sent a PM as we may have room up here with our other buns and piggies they could live in next door run next to our belgian hare Topper ..

Samantha would be lovely if you could adopt these two..strangely I just replied to your pm about the piggies saying we had animals looking for homes:lol:
I will wait to hear..with fingers crossed:D
:love::love::love::love: there boys ohhh i wish I could win the lottery I would have them in a minute but it would mean not fostering others for a while to I get the garden done ....hope they get a home soon
I'm their new mummy and I am sooo lucky they are gorgeous. So nicely behaved and friendly and such good boys at using their litter tray. Love love love them! :D:D Thank you Gill and CottonMather for looking after them so well for us. Will post you some new pics very soon :D:D