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Our Beloved and Wonderful Timmy-Tickles


Mama Doe
Our darling boy left for the Bridge at 4.30am :cry: His little body just started to shut down and despite our best efforts, he left us :cry:

No words can ever describe how we are feeling :cry: Our lives are in tatters, our hearts are shredded and we cannot stop crying :cry:

We knew that he was nearing the end and we stayed up with him all night - we took turns in cuddling him, loving him, kissing him and telling him how much we love him :love: We thanked him so much for choosing us to be his mum and dad :love:

Nearly five years since you came into our lives - we can't remember a time without you, how are we going to cope?

You went very peacefully in mummy's arms with daddy stroking your head and with Chewy and Bluebelle near to you :cry:

Darling boy, you gave us so much joy and laughter - you made us feel so very humble as you have been so very brave throughout everything. I know this sounds selfish, but we just want you back with us again :cry: Mummy's arms are screaming out for you, I have been syringe feeding you for three months now and I feel so lost :cry:

Go find your April, she was your loved wifebun - you will be together again now :love: Go to the Hairy Mob's field - they'll all be waiting for you :love:

We just wish it was quicker for us to go - we know that the time has no meaning at the Bridge and we will be together again in the blink of an eye, but here, the time will go so slowly and we will yearn to be with you again.

Love you always and forever little man, our Tiny Tim, our Timmy-Tickles, our tiny boy who had the personality of a huge bun :love:

Run free our dearest boy - you will never know just what you meant to us :cry::love::cry:
Jay and John I am so sorry for you loss :cry:

Have lots of fun at The Bridge Timmy-Tickles
Binky Free little man

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Our Timmy-Tickles:love:


Timmy with his beloved April :love:

Timmy with his best friend Billy :love:

Our wonderful boy :love:
I'm so sorry for your loss. That was a lovely tribute to him and gorgeous pics too.

Binky free with April sweetheart x
Sleep well gorgous Bunster.Your mummy misses you so much,I see that by her tribute to you.God bless.xxx
I'm so sorry :cry: Your tribute to him was beautiful & he must have been so thankful to have bunny parents like you.

Binky free Timmy-Tickles, sleep tight special boy xxx
So sorry for your loss he obviously meant so much to you both....thinking of you both at this time....binky free tiny tim :(:(
Jay and John, I am so sorry to read about the loss of Timmy. A tiny bunny with such a large character, that one can see oozing from his photos. Thinking of you at this difficult timexxx
Jay and John, I am so very sorry for yor loss, Timmy Tickles meant the world to you, you loved him so much, he was such a special little boy, you gave him such a wonderful life which was so full of love

Binky free Timmy Tickles, have fun at the bridge xx
What an adorable little rabbit. So sorry Timmy-Tickles passed away. He's so blessed to have someone like you take good care of him all these years.
He had the cutest little face!!!

I am so sorry that he has gone to the bridge. Go find April Timmy. It is clear that he was a very very special bunny and that you loved him dearly. :cry:

Binky free little one x