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Sitting in the rain!


New Kit
Hi All

Ozzie has a hutch with a run underneath. Lately he has been spending an awful lot of time in the run, even when it's raining. He seems to prefer sitting in the rain than in the dry! I just want to know if this is ok for him? I assume if it made him ill or anything he would stop doing it?! I shut the run off last night so he had to stay in the hutch, but he didn't like that at all......... he trashed his hutch in protest!

Also, he is being vaccinated on Monday, but since being neutured, seems a bit scared and on occasions, bites! Will the vet have big gloves to use?!

Any advice greatly received.
I have an aggressive doe and as long as I hold her still the vet is able to do the vaccinations - in fact none of mine notice vaccinations but try and put a syringe full of medication near their mouths and they freak out!
