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It's myxi - again :( UPDATE 2nd nov

Pootle has eaten a little bit of food but not enough so still being syringe fed. She is also extremely subdued - another day of wishing she will get better.
so sorry she is struggling - it is a dreadful disease. despite intensive nursing each time we have had it rear its head (with vac'd bunnies) we lost one, and managed to win two -no rhyme nor reason for the way it went.
I'm sorry Pootle is still struggling. :( Topping up the vibes and prayers for her. (((((Hugs))))) I really hope she will be better soon. xxxxx
Topping up my vibes for Pootle. Really hope she starts to pick up soon.

Hugs for you at this worrying and stressful time. :love:
The vets seemed a little bit more positive today... the scabs on her eyes have fallen off.. her breathing is a little better but she is still not eating enough so has top up syringe feeds...
You're having a very long haul here, I'm so sorry.

Many more vibes to keep her topped up, eating and getting better xx
Just a quick update - Pootle came home last night after being in the vets for about two weeks. Her scabs have fallen off, her breathing is better and she is eating.

I have to take her back tomorrow evening to be weighed to check she is holding her weight well and eating enough by herself. I am also still giving her metacam orally and also have to inject her once a day with antibiotics.

First injection this morning - went well (Phew!)
wow I'm so pleased for you.

When Doughnut lost weight Mark recommended alfalfa hay. She loved it and I gave her a handful a day and she soon put on weight.