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apple trees


Young Bun
we went apple tree hunting tonight and got these, do i have to wash the leaves before i give them to mitsi and bin the brown bits? or will she eat the lot:)




You can pull off the yellow and damaged leaves, I don't worry if they have a bit of brown 'rust' on them (perhaps I should?)

Do make sure they are from trees that have not been sprayed or treated in any way.

I don't wash mine but they are from my garden.
they come from a garden that is over grown next door to a person we know away from the road so i would think its not sprayed, i don't know much about apple trees but our hall way smells of apples now :lol: so i see why the buns like it:p
Mine eat the lot straight off the tree. I do try to remove any bird poop before they get their paws on it though because they would no doubt eat that too :lol: