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Bonding Sweetpea and Coco, updates*


Warren Scout
Hi guys,

I'm finally getting started on properly bonding my pair of neutered/spayed mini rexes.

Because they had a poor history (accidently got to one another and fought badly) I decided to begin this afternoon by allowing them to meet at the baby gate between the kitchen and lounge.

Generally he is bolder and more aggressive, no tail lifting, no ears back but if she puts her nose where he can get it he was trying to nip. (and getting sprayed with water)

She is more cautious of him, but she keeps coming back for another look and if he isn't looking she will put her head through and stretch to nip him. She doesn't really seem like she wants to be aggressive, but whenever he comes face to face with her she immediately turns away and moves away a little with her tail high.

They both remained near the gate for about 45-60mins before moving away (but that may have coincided with dinner going on) and ate plenty from the stack of greens and scattered pellets. They weren't bothered about the other bun being even a cm away through the bars as they ate.
They had brief grooming sessions (of themselves) while the other was nearby.

Before they both moved off they had both stopped trying to bite or really confront each other at all, they wanted to remain there but they were not showing any more aggression.

Do you think I can try a session physically together now?
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I don't think any of that gives an indication of what will happen when they go together. I also think that spraying a bunny with water adds stress to an already stressful situation so it would not be recommended as conducive to helping them bond and minimising the stress. He's only doing what is natural, and spraying him with water won't stop his instincts, just confuse and distress him.

I would just say go for it in a small area of neutral territory without the water spray.
Ok well, I sat with them in the hallway for a while, loads of food around, toys and hay. First they scuffled. He initiated the nipping every time and she always turned to defend herself.

Quite quickly they got sick of this and went for a lie down at opposite ends of the small hallway (like 2m long, 1m wide) then they started washing, getting up for a nibble of hay or pellets. Sticking totally to their own ends.

After a while they both began to venture near the middle, if she approached him he'd lunge and she ran back, if he went near her she stamped and grunted, they kept a pretty respectful distance and eventually relaxed pretty well but just kept away from each other.

Feels awfully like I've achieved nothing, but oh well!

Should I try the same tomorrow?
To be honest, that doesn't sound too bad. He sounds on the anxious side and so is reacting with his 'fight' instinct more than 'flight' and she is warning him that that behaviour is just not ok but in an acceptable way (the thumping).

I'd carry on doing dates and make sure each date is a progression.
Sounds good

That sounds like progress, I have 8 mini rex rabbits and have bonded some successfully and others not. But you know when it's not good, blood and fur can fly within seconds. My hands normslly are the blood:-( So I would take it that was a positive date.!
Thanks guys!

I got bitten three times (one misdirected lunge got my leg, one to the hand when I was trying to clear up some of the poos in a quiet moment and one through my hoody to the wrist!) At least I'm sharing in the tussles!:roll::lol:

I had them together for just over an hour yesterday, should I aim for the same? A bit less? End it while it's still on a high note, or wait it out after a scruffle till another bit of progress happens then wrap it up?

Till later then! :)
Each date should be a progression on the last, but that doesn't always mean time, that can also mean mindset, behaviour, experiences, etc. I would just watch them and follow their lead :) (and maybe buy some thick gardening gloves- although no idea how to protect your leg).
The majority was great. No nips, leaving each other alone from the off and no chasing.

He would venture towards her more often and she would let him touch noses before stamping and grunting or moving away. He'd sensibly return to his end.

Where it went a bit wrong is that they swapped over at one point and it was suddenly revealed that he had decided his "end" was already his territory so he chased her out of it and had a tiny nip... doh.

Otherwise, it went along very smoothly and looks promising after all!
There's nothing wrong with a nip; that's just how they communicate, but establishing territories is a concern.
There's nothing wrong with a nip; that's just how they communicate, but establishing territories is a concern.

I think I need to try another location tomorrow in addition to neutralising the previous one. Difficult in a one bedroom flat! :D

I forgot to mention, she binkied quite a bit!!! and they ate plenty of hay and played with willow twigs.

He actually seemed very gentle today, like he'd learnt to respect her space and also not to panic and she was more curious than terrified like yesterday :D
Great news!

8 Days, 6 dates (we moved to the bathroom for the last two) and we just had grooming!

He mellowed out over the meetings and she gradually got less terrified! she stopped grunting and hardly stamped, (just one or two at the start today) and began to let him nose bump her for more than one second!

She was binkying around and he was being really "lovey" with me, I sit on the floor with them and he was washing me and reaching for nose to nose rubs with me so I figured lets get everyone joined in the friendly mood!

I gave him loads of cheek, nose and ear massage, he was going crazy teeth chattering and it meant she was more comfortable to come over and look at him and begin licking his fur once or twice. Then when I stopped petting him I got her at my knee and cheek rubs etc, till she was well flopped, he came over and amazingly!!! he started nibbling and licking her face where my fingers had been!

We got about 7 little grooming moments including one where they bizarrely stuffed their faces under the other ones belly and I stroked each ones ears, they seemed in heaven!
Decided to call it a day while we were in bliss and hopefully tomorrow they won't need as much of my help and choreography!


So today I figured lets really go for it, I cleared out the kitchen and mopped it down with a drop of vinegar in there, wiped all the surfaces and corners, got her cage out of there and washed it all up for later.
Brought them both in here with a neutralised big litterbox and lots of new hay, no other food and just a dish of water in one corner.

They started out fantastic, sitting together as in the picture after 5 minutes. After a while she got bored of the hay and she must be a really selfish girl! She remembered how nice it was to get groomed the night before and pestered him, chasing him and shoving her head under, eventually he got briefly annoyed with her and gave her a quick swipe and nip.

They separated and she went back to be stampy and scared for a while. He stayed unfazed and chilled out, eventually she calmed down again and let him closer and closer, he's groomed her face and ears a good few times now, but he gets bored quickly since she isn't reciprocating, she just sits there like "worship meeeee!!!" and he is like "come on my turn now?". I've tried to keep out of it today and not groom them too much as they ought to be doing it for each other :D

Currently staying near each other, he's washing next to her eating in the litterbox so I think I'll stay here all evening and see if we can just do this.

They seemed chilled enough after 3.5hrs that I've moved into the lounge but closeby so I can watch through the door (baby gated) and hear anything going on.

I've put down a towel as a living area with a littertray, loads of hay and a waterbowl. Other than that and some willow sticks the kitchen is bare, no where for them to get trapped by the other.

What do I do next? Obviously I will be here till bedtime but should I keep it that empty for the time being? I don't want to put a hut or anything in, in case one gets trapped by the other?

How will I know I can try leaving them overnight?
Sounds like it is going great, I have no idea about leaving them at night as I am currently trying to bond mine:D
:love: There were no further issues after about 1:30pm yesterday, they've been together all night too and seems as if they were friends forever now!


Was so good to read your bonding updates- I'm on day 2 and needed something positive to read!
What beautiful bunnies too!:love:
Was so good to read your bonding updates- I'm on day 2 and needed something positive to read!
What beautiful bunnies too!:love:


Seriously, I had felt completely pessimistic about these two as a pair for months, I really thought they just hated each other so much that it would never work out.

But seeing the progress over those dates and then just going for it yesterday and keeping them together, it really can all turn around. And no humping at all!?!

I moved the cage back in this evening and placed a wooden hut on the other side of the kitchen incase anything flares up now there is furniture to possess!

Good luck with yours!!! :D

Everyone was happy and in love and I had to go and trip on the babygate and knock it down... the buns have been acting desperate to get into the lounge since they went in the kitchen together yesterday. So as soon as it went down they panicked and came out, then they panicked because they were in a bigger space suddenly and it still smelled more of him.

So they got into a chase and went back in the kitchen I shut the gate again quickly and he chased her into the cage and exactly what I didn't want happened. They had an on the sides quick scrap before I separated them. Then they just wanted to attack each other like before any bonding.

He's got a slightly cut lip, not too bad tho. What the hell do I do now? I've brought him back in the lounge again, do I need to go back to the beginning and start over with dates? Or should I place them back together asap and sit it out?

oh NO!!!!!!!
I really don't know- hope someone else can help you.
Occasionally my already bonded pair will fight and then get on again but because yours are new partners, I don't know. maybe they will be ok after a short time out?