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Baldy/dry skin

Mrs Ord

Mama Doe
Went to visit Carlisle in the pet shop today to get a good look at him before he comes home on Saturday.

Am pretty upset but dealing with it because he'll be home soon. He had really long claws. The guy said he's only been in 4 weeks and that he was about four months old. Can they grow that quick? They were about an inch longer than they should be. I made him open a pair of claw clippers that he was selling and I trimmed them while I was there. Poor bunny.

Also he has a patch of really short hair with dry skin on his back. It looks like he's bitten in down himself. Doesn't look sore and there's no broken skin or inflamation. Any ideas what it could be? Should I worry?
Does it look like dandruff? My Sooty had this and it was mites. Easily treated with a course of injections from the vet.
Yip, sounds quite like mites. Easily treated, but i'd be careful when taking him home with your other buns x
A 4 month old will not have claws that long (even if they have never been cut). They will be a bit long and very pointy if they have never ever been cut and also very thin too.

It sounds like something is not adding up.

As for the bald patch, that could be many things, like self mutilation, if, on the off chance, he has had a vaccination it could be related to that, it could be mites as lily said, it could be overgrooming if he has been near another bunny.

Do you have any other bunnies at home? If so, it would be a risk to bring him home like that and he would need to go into super strict quarantine.
Well I go in this shop quite regular and I really think this is the same bunny he had in before Christmas. He's had either this white giant or has continually sold white giants since then from the same cage. I thought it was a bit suspect too. I didn't argue it though because I don't really care if he's older than he's letting on. Its not something that would put me off taking him. In fact the reason I wanted him was because I was convinced it was the same one and its a long time for a big bunny in a small cage :(

Ah not mites!!! My piggies had them and I was really hoping this wasn't the case. He was in with his brother for a few weeks but other than that he's not been in with any other rabbits. The cages are glass too to no touching through bars. I'll be keeping him separate till he and Lilly are fixed so quarantine shouldn't be a problem. He'll be in the shed and she's indoors for now.

I'll ring the vets see if I can get an appointment for him on Monday. Do you think its better to let him settle in for a few days before having him castrated? If he's going maybe just as well to get it all done. Jabs, castrated and see about his skin and a check up.
thats good, is say most likley fur mites, the vet can give an injection of panamec and if the dry patch is looking sore you can apply sudocrem (baby nappy rash cream) which will help to sooth it. are you going to have the neuter this sat aswell? x
Well all went well at the vets yesterday. There were eggs from the mites but he said they looked old and there was no sign of any actual mites. Have been given and used the spot on just to make sure. His nails have been properly clipped now and his teeth look good. He had his injections as well. He's in good overall health. Lilly gets spayed in Friday then he'll be in for his soon after. :love::love::love: