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To my beautiful baby Dillon April 03- 29 March 2010


Mama Doe
To my beautiful baby Dillon

I still cannot believe you have gone. We will miss you so much. We hope you had a fun-packed 7 years – so many memories:







You were and always will be very special to us.

RIP little man.
Love you xxx
Thanks everyone, I know I don't come on here much anymore but its times like this when it is really comforting being around people who understand. It has been a really difficult and sad day. I can't believe how much I miss him already :cry:
Thanks everyone, I know I don't come on here much anymore but its times like this when it is really comforting being around people who understand. It has been a really difficult and sad day. I can't believe how much I miss him already :cry:

I fully agree with this, there is nothing like talking to people who understand the loss of a loved one. Im so sorry for your loss, binky free Dillon
So sorry about Dillon. He always made me go 'awww' whenever I saw his picture. He was a gorgeous little boy, who was very much loved.

Thinking of you xxx