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Known problems with Xeno 450


New Kit
Hi all,

One of my rabbits has recently died, around 18 hours after treatment with Xeno 450 (spot
on treatment of Ivermectin by Genitrix). Both rabbits have been treated for mites at the same time, both came home within 5-10 minutes, started grooming themselves and each other, spreading the fluid to their bodies, head and ear, and no doubt ingesting the medication. The same evening, both rabbits seemed quiet and didn't want to eat anything. In the morning i got up to find one rabbit extremely bloated and cold, died at the vets a few hours later.

The treatment with Xeno 450 may or may not be linked to my rabbits death, but I am trying to find any information of known effects/side effects/allergic reactions after treatment with Xeno 450 so that I can pass to manufacturer. Genitrix are not aware of any side effects of the medication (even if ingested) but are willing to consider any cases I can present. Has anybody ever had or heard of anything worth reporting? Does anyone have any information with regards to white rabbits being more susceptible to any side effects?

Thank you for your help... I hope that, if there is a problem, it can be identified... and I hope it helps other bunnies...
if this uses the same ingrediants as xenex then our rabbit had a terrible skin reaction to xenex as did many others and if you put xenex into the search on here you will find this so sorry for your loss.
most spot ons are not reccomended for rabbits due to their sensitive digestive tract and thier sensitive skin, they often cuase reactions i have never used xeno 450... but would be highly suspicioius. particularly if it was ingested.
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Xeno 450 is Ivermectin , but Xenex is using Permethrin, which is well documented to be causing adverse reactions, even death. I am interested to find out if Xeno 450 could cause any sort of reaction contributing to my rabbit'd death. My vet never mentioned anything about separating the rabbits, however by now I found that this is recommended. Xeno 450 does not specify it in their leaflet... so maybe this is one thing they can improve on...

Thank you for your comments so far...
Xeno 450 is Ivermectin , but Xenex is using Permethrin, which is well documented to be causing adverse reactions, even death. I am interested to find out if Xeno 450 could cause any sort of reaction contributing to my rabbit'd death. My vet never mentioned anything about separating the rabbits, however by now I found that this is recommended. Xeno 450 does not specify it in their leaflet... so maybe this is one thing they can improve on...

Thank you for your comments so far...

fair enough i do not know aobut eno 450 as i have never used it. i have used ivermetictin via injection for my buns in the past with no ill affects and i do know that is the drug of choice coudl it be the way the xeno 450 is processed that adds dangerous chemicals or something or prehaps the fact of ingesting it? i hope that you find some answers in what must be a very difficult time xx
*hugs* My bunnies are due their third and last treatment of this tomorrow.

Not sure if this helps but on the label the vet gave me it says 1 tube each whereas on the dosage card with the meds it says 20 drops.
I have only been giving mine the 20 drops and not alowing them to lick themselves until it is dry, about 30 mins. It does say it is very dangerous for cats so I assumed it must be bad for bunnies too if they lick it, not sure if this is true or not but my two are awful at licking any medications and groom themselves a lot.

Do you still have the vet label of this medication? It could be you were told the wrong dosage.

I'm sorry for you loss, I'm sure you did the best you could for your bunnies *hugs*

Binky free little one

ETA Just looked at the packet I have and it is actually Xenex that my two are on atm NOT Xeno. Should I be worried?
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Thanks for your replies... The correct dosage was given. Its the fact that it was ingested is what's worrying me...
Ive used Xeno450 and never had problems.It was recommended to me by lots of folk on here.:shock:
XENEX is the stuff I was turned away from using......
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I have used Xeno 450 many times wihout problems.

As mites normally become a problem when the immune system is run down it is highly likely that there was some underlying problem completely unrelated to to the xeno. Without a PM it is going to be impossible to know exactly what happened.

I am so sorry for your loss. It is always made worse when you are left with a lot of "what ifs" :(
The rabbit that died was a white albino lop, pink eyes, 6.5 years old... the other one is a brown lop, around 7.5 years old, both with previous history of dental problems... I am very interested to find out specific cases/info about ingesting the drug and any problems it may cause... The role of genetics is certainly a very interesting one... thank you all for your comments...
Hey, sorry to hear about your bunns,
ive used Xeno 450 6 times on bailey now, 3 times each for existing infestations, ive just bought 9 tubes of it from vet uk as it suggests to use on rabbit once a month to prevent mites and worms... bailey licks hers off as soon as i put it on, ive always thought this isnt a problem as it is for external and internal paracites.
Baileys a sooty fawn mini lop, i was given Xeno 450 by my vet, i have heard that spot ons can have a bad effect on rabbits. had your two bunns ever had xeno 450 before or was that the first time?
lostunicorn;3561113[COLOR="Purple" said:
ETA Just looked at the packet I have and it is actually Xenex that my two are on atm NOT Xeno. Should I be worried?[/COLOR]

Xenex has been know to cause side effects in rabbits. Even though your buns have been fine with the other doses I would not take the risk of using it again. Obviously speak to your vets about this too.
Ivermectin can be given orally so ingestion of this active ingredient will not cause toxicity. I would be suspicious that there was an underlying problem that was potentially exacerbated by handling and treatment.
I have given ivomec orally to rabbits and guinea pigs for years with no problems as with all meds there will be side affects . I have seen bad cases of mites in guinea pigs where they are totally bald , they even fit if touched and once they have been ivomeced they are fine and their hair grows back . This is a link to show some of the pigs before and after treatment http://thistlecavies.tripod.com/id35.html . I am so sorry you lost your rabbit but for me i couldn't do without ivomecfor the treatment of mites
I have used xeno 450 on my rabbits before now but have been concerned when using it on bonded pairs. I have tried to keep them apart while it dries as they were always grooming each other. Lately I have been using ivermectin. So sorry to hear about your rabbit.