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Wire under run ?


New Kit
Hi all, I have two scrummy little mini lops around 4 months old.

They have a hutch in a playhouse, where they sleep at night , then a seperate hutch with a run underneath and infront where they spend from 12ish to 6pm each day. The run is on grass and is moved every few days . They havent started to dig from the run, but I am concerned that should I go out for more than 3 or so hours they might.
We thought we would put chicken type wire underneath the run to prevent this, but I am now afraid they will catch their claws.:(:(

Really dont know what to do for the best as their safety is paramount.

Would appreciate any help please.
I'm not an expert but I don't have any. As you say, I just move it frequently so he has fresh grass. I'm sure someone more experienced on here could help.:D
I wouldn't risk having nothing there, personally. Ours didn't dig for months then one day we went down in the morning and one was running lose around the garden and the other was nowhere to be seen.

Choose a welded mesh so they can't chew through, if you choose one with fairly small holes it will be kinder to their feet too, but as long as you make sure it's taut to the edges of the run it should be flat to the ground and won't bother them.
Thank you both. Think I might pop to Scats tomorrow & see if they have any different types of mesh. Having said that though, they have both hopped around just fine today !!