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Wipe clean mats?


New Kit
Hi Folks

My Alekz is a house rabbit and a huge fan of ripping paper. His bed is a plastic dog bed and I tend to put newspaper underneath to keep things tidy. However, Alekz just sees this as a challenge and rips up all the paper instantly. I bought some wipe clean mats a while ago, the place mats you get for dogs/cats food plates. Eventually he ended up nibbling them, water got inside and they went rotten.
Can anyone recommend something I can put under his bed? Its mainly to 'soak' up anything that comes through, so don't want anything material!

I have mats that are used for when you come in the door, they hold in the wet. I also use vet bed, which soaks up the wet and keeps it away from bunnies fur.

Both these things are machine washable x
aww thanks. I've never heard of vetbed before. Just looked it up and it has cute pattern too! Think I'll give that a go, thanks very much
