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Suddenly forgotten littler training


New Kit

My house rabbit, Ruby, is a 7 month old dwarf. I got her at 12 weeks and she instantly used an area in her cage for poo and urine. She’s only ever done the occasional poop on the carpet for the past four months. About a week ago she suddenly started pooping all over the living room and has now started urinating. I haven’t had her spayed so I’m wondering if this has something to do with it?

Help - my house is a mess!
ebony was litter trained until she was 7 months then she hit puberty she started doing it every where i had her spayed and a few weeks later she is back to normal at 7 months she became an angry rabbit and for me it was obvious when she needed spaying hope this helps
Totally agree - time to book her in for a spay.

At least its only the house thats a mess. When hormones hit one of my little lads he kept spraying me! :oops: