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So sorry little Dexter It's all my fault


Young Bun
Dear Dexter Fluffy Bum,

This morning I woke up to find you had passed away. Paolo thinks it happened minutes before we woke up. I'm so so very sorry, I should have stayed up with you all night but I didn't because you more distressed when we were near. Now you died by yourself and in pain and for that I will never ever forgive myself.

I did the best that i could but I know I should have done more. When I came home yesterday and found you lying in your litter tray not wanting to move, I made Paolo come home and drive you to the vet straight away, but it was too little too late. When the vet gave us some medicine for you and said to see how you went last night somehow I just knew you wouldn't make it, I had a feeling. I should have stayed awake with you. Better still, I should have insisted Paolo took you to the vets for a check up months ago when I first asked him too. You didn't seem ill but I knew how much you liked to eat anything and everything you could find...slippers, wires, jeans, wood ...you name it you would eat it...and I wanted to make sure you were okay but Paolo was busy and then we moved house and you seemed so happy, running around playing with all the curtains and generally causing chaos.

When Paolo's dad made you that huge cage and you started to nibble at the floor when you were angry and wanted to come out I should have insisted that they changed the cage floor. But i didn't.

My sister says you were probably the happiest and most loved rabbit alive. I hope you were happy and I hope you know just how loved you were. You were just 1 year old. I let you down. I'm sorry

I will never forget you Dexter Fluffy Bum Rabbit the First, you were such a character, you charmed everyone you met and you made our lives complete. Binky free.

Love Jo & Paolo

I am sorry you lost your beautiful little bunny. They do chew many things but it seems unlikely it would have been the cause, my indoor bunny has chewed everything in 3 years.

Rabbits hide their pain so it was most likely some illness that the vet didn't pick up on. Don't blame yourself.
Thank you for the condolences! I'm sorry i haven't posted here in ages and then to suddenly show up but I knew that everyone here would understand how it feels. Barn Yard Bunnies, the vet said it was a blockage so was something he ate :( Thank you though!
I'm so sorry for your loss of little Dexter. It cuts me up every time I read about a Rainbow Bridge bun on here and you must be devastated. Dexter reminds me so much of Binks, I can't imagine losing her to anything at such a young age. My heart goes out to you. Binky free little Dexter. ((hugs))
I'm so sorry for your loss but please do not blame yourself! You did everything you could and I'm sure Dexter passed to the bridge peacefully, you made sure he had medication, it was just his time to go. :( xx
Very sorry for your loss, please don't blame yourself. Dexter had a wonderful year with you filled with fun and love.

Blinky Free Dexter.
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