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New Kit
does anyone else have a rabbit that throws himself sideways to go to sleep? like a fainting goat. its similar,I think to hibernation. sleeps soundly till noise wakes him. must not get much rem sleep. throws himself , hard enough to know what he is doing . please, dont tell me theres something wrong. finally got him to quite down, enough to go to sleep. this rabbit has some strange quirks, never laughed so hard, as I have with this pet. thank you
It sounds like you are talking about what rabbit people call the dead bunny flop. It is quite common. The bunny looks like it just falls over. It can be very scary and unexpected. I had a rabbit Chrissy that would fall pretty hard and fast.
does anyone else have a rabbit that throws himself sideways to go to sleep? like a fainting goat. its similar,I think to hibernation. sleeps soundly till noise wakes him. must not get much rem sleep. throws himself , hard enough to know what he is doing . please, dont tell me theres something wrong. finally got him to quite down, enough to go to sleep. this rabbit has some strange quirks, never laughed so hard, as I have with this pet. thank you

Yes, like Bunnytoes said, a Dead Bunny Flop!

I've never heard it described like a fainting goat before though :lol:
Oh Yes! First time my buns did it, terrified me!