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Skin condition, any thought's?


Young Bun
I have a rabbit dilemma which has me and vet quite confused! One of my rabbits "Gus" has unusual bald patches down his back and under his tummy. I took him straight to the vets in which we thought was mites, she took a skin scrap and gave him something to get rid of them. The scrapping didn't come up with any mites and the patches haven't gone. Took him back this monday, and she up him on metacam as he is constantly grooming there and pulling fur out. He's acting perfectly fine, running about in the house, being naughty like they do, eating, peeing and pooing fine! Parts of the bald patches do have scurf. She did suggest that he might be in pain there and thats why he's doing it, and that if it doesnt go she suggests a xray to be sure. I'm really quite stressed as it feels were going rounds in circles. He finishes his metacam on Tuesday, and I have to ring her to let her know how he is. So far theres no change but he's only been on it 2 days. I was just wondering whether it could be burrowing mange mites, fungus or even a urinary tract infection as the fur loss is only on his lower back, rump, tail area and around his genetalia (he has been snipped!)Can anyone think of anything I can suggest to the vet or even what it is? Sorry about how long this is!
Thanks for your time reading this!

Worried Owner Roxy xXx
I'm sorry your bunny is mysteriously losing fur. I am afraid I dont know what it could be, but I hope that you and your vet can uncover it soon.

I just wondered whether there was any possibility that he might be stressed? Any changes to routine or his territory? I only ask because Fay had bald patches shortly after she was rescued. I didnt have her at the time but I was told this by her fosterer, and it was deemed to be stress-related. It has since grown back.

All of the things you suggest like fungus or mites or urine scalding sound possible - but would these not have shown up something on the skin scrape by your vet?

I really hope you find out what it is soon. Fingers crossed for you and bun.
I think it might be worth considering an allergy aswell or something could be upsetting him a strong airfreshner maybe or loud or continuous sound like a fish tank filter for example? Other than that it really is worth maybe keeping the areas clean with warm boiled water using a cotton wool pad for each wipe to prevent re-contamination of bacteria. Hope you get to the bottom of it, not nice for him or you x
The trouble is if it's not the simple thing ie mites then it might be a case of ruling things out one by one.

Can you see it from the top or is it under his tummy/groin. You wouldn't get urine scolding on top, more underneath. Also scolding is caused by urine sitting on the skin so you'd be unlikely to get it without seeing any wet fur to go with it. Just to rule out one possibility :)

The metacam should work quickly on any pain that's causing him to worry at that area. It doesn't take time to build up - I'd guess that's why the vets only doing a few days to check if it makes any change to his behaviour rather than the physical appearance of the area :) Has he paid any less attention to the site?