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Remembering Bodkin 28-9-02 to 2-12-06


Wise Old Thumper
Bodkin our handsome boy how we miss you..the clown of all our rabbits, how you made us laugh so many times with your funny mad half hours of darting round the room. Such a laid back bun with such a big heart, you gave kisses and so much love, seems like only yesterday you left us.
I am thinking about you now winding up poor Betty Boo and always taking your treats to eat in front of her, naughty boy! but you were so special Bods it was as if you knew when I was down and you always did something funny to cheer me up.
Could do with you here at this moment.




Love you Bods to the Moon and Back as always,
look out for our Holly and look after her for us
love you handsome
Mum & Dad Tucker and all the Tuckerbunniesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
