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red wee alternative theory on cause?


Warren Veteran
Hi Bertie has seen the vet a few times in the past cos of red or dark wee..nad its sometimes been cos of carrots but not a,ways and soemtimes hes the only one whos done it and theyve all eaten the same. willows done some in the past as has bandit and still odes everynow and then as did bif.....but bertie got the blame:oops:

I always presumed its either a wee problem or dietary caused...

on a site last night they said bunnies under a lot of stress do it..and you know it makes sense.....it ties in well.

berties been a bit stressed since unbonding with bif..more than when they were all bonding...he does a lot of dark wees and a fair amount of lemon suahs colured wees...
bandit does those too but dark spots when hes had a scary day..for a nervy but nosey and friendly bun thats at leastonce a day! hes bene known to pee himself iwth fright or over ecitement bless him.

Have any of you who have buns whove done these horrible dark wees without medical causes noticed any stress related issues in your bun at the time?
just curious.

the site i was on...


Urine from normal rabbits usually contains large amounts of a light-colored sediment and may appear abnormal to the uninitiated. The color of normal rabbit urine varies from white, to yellow- white, to light brown. Rabbits that drink large quantities of water tend to produce clearer urine containing less sediment.

Rabbits that have been recently treated with antibiotics and those undergoing significant stress may temporarily produce urine that is orange or red-tinged. Such urine can be differentiated from that which accompanies urinary tract infections or uterine bleeding by use of a urinalysis, performed by a veterinarian.


I am not an expert on the subject however I did share this story a while ago..

My bunny had been ill at the time so I was extra observant but one day his wee was the brightest read/brown colour ever and I thought - it was def a bad thing... I took the sample on a kitchen towel to the vets which is 20 mins drive away in a bag - the vet (bless her heart) explained that if it was blood or anything internal it would have 'bits' in it :oops:

I was felt so silly, but the reason I told this story was because he was VERY stressed at the time but the vet explained that it is their diet, Thumpers wee can be red/brown to dark orange to white???

He did a white/yellow wee when he came in from the garden... When he was having too much protein and calcium in his diet from his pellets its was very dark.... but he isn't stressed at all now..

He has been on a high fibre diet now and they have changed colour again so I hope this helps to say they can change a lot x
I don't personally think theres any truth in *some* of the stress related theories.

Chico is one of the least stressed buns in the world yet he does bright red wee most of the time :roll:
My girls have been producing red-tinged wee last night and as many of you may know, Molly went into GI stasis last night so I think it's Molly's wee that's red-tinged and it's due to stress from being unwell. They don't eat carrots or any sort of red/orange coloured veg.
One of my bunnies always has a darker reddish urine than the others. I also went to the vet incase was anything bad but she found him in perfect health. Its just the normal colour of his wee!
> breathes huge sigh of relief

Have been going through the red piddle saga with fudge since mid-december! He has been treated for an infection, and one sample showed blood and sugar in his piddle...bless him....10days on baytril and some tlc and he was his happy nosey bouncing self...although still with red piddle!

The vet says not to worry too much about him-just keep a check on his habits...he reckons it could be a hormone/pheromone thingee.....unless it smells really strong or he starts eating the shavings he has piddled on I am not meant to worry (yes try putting that into practice as an anxious bunny parent!) He tested it and this time no blood or sugar...we just have to take another sample in on the 25th.

He goes into be neutred on Feb 25th...Im hoping he will be fine...very anxious mummy on that one....my mum said not to worry the vet does them all the time however he doesn't do them all the time to MY BABY!

Well a small bunny wants cuddling...so I best get showered and in my fluffy dressing gown for hm to snuggle into!

Any other advice about our trip to be 'done' on Feb 25th welcomed.....and glad to know Im not the only parent with a bunny piddling strange colours!
Have any of you who have buns whove done these horrible dark wees without medical causes noticed any stress related issues in your bun at the time?
just curious.




When we took Bunnie to Animed vets for her VHD in November, when we opened the carrier she had done a massive wee, and it was a yucky dark brownie/red/yellow colour and the lady vet can't remember her name but she polish and very kind gentle lady said thats fine sometimes they can do that, she seen alot of it when rabbit at vets but owners say never seen it at any other time like that!
i think stress can sometimes cause it (mine all did really red pee when being bonded) but i think most of the time it is diatary related.
Our Olliver (rip) always had bright orange wee.

Now that I look back, maybe he got E Cuniculi from his mother at birth and has always not been well, but hid it very well.

Orange like this:
well its interesting to hear others experiences......thank you.....

if its down to stress why is bif peeing lemon squash colour!!

her and bertie are the only rabbits ive ever had to pee dark brown/red wee..having said that bandit did a few tiny ones scent marking but its so weird isnt it.

wow that orange.....!! sometimes i get what looks like sticky coffee stains on my lino..i also get almost clear huge puddles too.wickle bandit can pee almost as much as a frenchie i kid you not...!! maybe i should change his name to tiddles or puddles:lol:
Thats a coincidence!!! Saturday night my daughter phoned me up panicking as her bun had just passed red urine. I told her as long as he was not unwell or straining to pass wee he was probably fine. I had seen this discussed before and had been put down to high protein levels or diet. Any way next day he was back to normal colour wee. She had run out of greens for two days as she had been ill and her bun had dried food and hay so whether that had made a difference I don't know. Pam