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Re-bonding After Neuter


Alpha Buck

My bun Charlie was neutered 6 weeks ago and he was, prior to this, with Poppy. They have now been running around the living room together quite happily and have got used to each other again well and seem pleased to be with each other. However, I want them to both return to living in a big indoor hutch at nights and when I'm at work and this is where the problem lies. They have been in two separate hutches and I have tried to put Charlie in with Poppy and she grunts and goes for him (territorial I presume).

She is not being speyed until (all being well) November/December. Should I just put them in there together very briefly to begin with, I really don't want to stress her out - she settles down immediately again when I remove Charlie and as I say, they are fine on neutral territory?:?