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Pens made from storage cubes - a good idea?


New Kit
i'm in the process of setting up and bunny proofing my house prior to my first house rabbit, but i'm still incredibly undecided as to what i should be using as a pen.

definitely not interested in petstore cages

i'm planning to get a small to medium breed of rabbit

i saw this blog, which mentions where to get the cubes in the uk and a link to how you'd assemble one


and thought that the storage cube cage thing looked quite good, i must admit i'm quiet keen, though i'd appreciate any feedback as i want the best housing solution i can provide for my new friend
Welcome to the forum!

You know if you bunny proof well you dont need a pen and the bun can be out all the time :wave:

I have a pen made out of the cubes, although my rabbits aren't normally shut in it. I decided on it because I could make it as big as I liked, and have a shelf. I knew I was going to move house a couple of times in the future so I deliberately bought something that could be adapted.

I didnt watch all of that video in the link, but the cage they were building is too small for rabbits by the way, and it would be impractical to clean, just a heads up :) the size of the cage will of course depend on how long the rabbit will have to stay in there, but I'd say that 12 square feet floor space is the minimum, as that is the minimum hutch size (6ftx2ft) reccommended by the Rabbit Welfare Association. Here's the link to the housing reccommendations, of course for indoor rabbits the 'run' is the room they are in! : http://www.rabbitwelfare.co.uk/ahutchisnotenough.htm

I'm afraid I dont have any pictures of my current pen to show you, but this is my previous smaller one:

Any shelves bigger than that one need extra support though, really.

Take a look at the indoor housing stickied thread, as its got lots of the pros and cons of each accomodation type :)

edit: by the way the cubes, particularly the mesh ones, are also invaluable for bunny proofing.
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