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Outdoor play/toy ideas


Mama Doe
Hi all, been a long time since i was here! Can anyone inspire me with some fun toy ideas for outside please? Where we live is quite windy and it's not unknown for it to rain a bit too:lol: so whatever it might be would need to take that into account. Laurel currently has old chimney pots and a length of pipe which she loves to jump on and run through, something along those lines would be fab just to add a bit more interest to her environment. She does have a big flower pot but isn't that interested in it. Any help would be much appreciated, pics of your outdoor toys/entertainment would be fab too!:wave::)
Here's my big run:


The firm favourite is the wicker tunnel, which you can get from here:


If you popped a large stone either side of it it shouldn't blow over. My boys quite like their homemade tunnel too:


Because they can sit on top of it as well as hop through. They love sitting on things.

A digging tray is also a good idea. If you use a plastic storage tray that comes with a lid you could have the lid off in nice weather, so they can dig and roll, and on in wet weather to keep the contents dry.

If your run has a mesh lid you can hang a carrot or something from it on a long string. It needs to be against the side of the run though, or it's be impossible to take bites from - it'd just swing away.

While they look pretty, cardboard and hay tunnels are easily (and messily!) destroyed - stick to plastic or wooden ones.

Do you scatter feed at all? That's good enrichment for them as it allows them to 'forage' as they would in the wild.
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Mine have a couple of children's plastic seats and a plastic green tunnel and their carrier. I don't like to put too much stuff in they like a clear run round the edges :lol: