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Not Drinking Water


Young Bun

Just a question to all you rabbit lovers, my bunny Henrik is not drinking his water from his bottle, he is 6months old, has always drank it before but in last couple of days has not gone near it. I've put extra on his veg now to make sure he getting some liquid but do you think there is a reason for this and how can I make him drink his water?

thanks in advance for any answers or suggestions
You've probably already checked this but is the bottle spout working properly?
offer him a small bowl of water and see if he drinks from that.. (wild bunnies would drink from puddles of water)

Is he grazing all day?-if so he may be getting his moisture from the grass?
Yes the water bottle is working correctly, have offered him water in a bowl also but he won't have any of it. I have also noticed that he seems to be sneezing the last couple of days, doesn't seem to be bothering him, but just sneezing and then rubs his nose, no discharge from his nose or any other symptoms. Is this normal ?