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Nipping Bunny. Aggresive? WHY?!


Wise Old Thumper
So I got a new bun a week and a half ago, he is around 10 weeks old now. He's an absolute star for being handled and doesn't struggle when being picked up at all. He's never bit me when I've put my hand in the cage or anything like that.

However, sometimes we we have cuddle times he'll start to chew at my clothes and sometimes get my skin. He also has a habbit of head butting my arm if I'm not touching him. It's not like he's eager to get away as he'll quite happily sit on my lap without running off but this nipping is making me a bit nervous. My other bun has never nipped me in his life and is an absolute cutie. If he doesn't want to be cuddled or stroked he'll just jump off my lap and run off, coming back when he's ready to be made a fuss of again.

I've tried searching the internet but there is so much conflicting information, I figured you guys would be the best to ask for advice :)
My male French Lop nips to. Will be interesting to see the responses. My female lop did it to until she was neutered. so it was either neutering that stopped it or she grew out of it.
I suppose it could be hormones but he seems very young? The thing is when he's being stroked after nipping it doesn't always seems like he enjoys it.

I wish bunnies could speak English!
boys can be neutered as young as 12 weeks providing the plumbs have dropped,

He's just as frustrated as you for not understanding him :lol: hes been seperated from his siblings for which for most of his young life so far would of been in constant company, so you gotta look at it from his point of view really,

alot of buns push there heads under for a fuss, some do it just before they lunge and attack as they go for the rudies bits in fighting,

mostly likely he just wants more fussing from you, one of mine loves just a nose rub with a jaw massage were you use your thumb on one side and fingers on the other and i rub in small circles along jawline , granted i have 5 and only ONE likes this, :lol:

after a neuter he should calm down a bit
All my bunnies nipped as babies, but none do it now. I guess its a bit like young children putting everything in their mouths. However they do chew clothing and head butt which as Hessen so beautifully put simply means

He's saying "oi, stroke me!"

Mine love cuddles and are quick to tell you that you aren't paying them enough attention.
As others have said, your bunny is just trying to get your attention or his instincts of rearranging/cleaning/fixing are going into play when he attacks your pants (my rabbits do it to their blankets alllllll the time).

As they get older they do it less and less, and they become more patient as well. Make sure you get your rabbit fixed when the time comes. I wouldn't worry too much about this behavior like everyone else has said, but also make sure you understand the clear line between aggressive nipping/juvenile behavior and aggressive angry biting.
I agree with the others, it's probably for attention. But the biting at your clothes out of nowhere when he seems to be having a great time having a cuddle, he might have to pee. Oz does this once in a while. He'll be all snuggled up and suddenly he'll start wigglilng and nipping and then once we put him down he goes straight to his box for a pee and then comes back for more cuddles.
one of my buns has a habit of pulling at my clothes when she sits on my lap but sometimes she gets my skin too! I don't know why she does it, its something she has always done and she's been neutered! she's now 6 so i doubt she will change!
:D Aww he wants strokies! Are you stroking his forehead or the rest of him as well? They love forehead stroking as it seems to resemble another bun grooming them :love: My Dillon even now he's a big grownup outdoors bunny licks my forehead for me if I stick my head in front of him!