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Mousey & her new hugger bed

She's back on it now, happy as Larry. Thats the thing about people that sow on here, the quality & finish is amazing . Kara made me a bag years ago & its still good as new despites loads of use. i have a sewing machine, I got lots of bunny fabrics, I can work out how you'd make them ..but mine would look rubbish & bunch up after the first wash. i've tried other rabbit bedding & its always been a disaster. It really riles Joey - he hates lumps & bumps :lol:

Have just seen this! Thank you, I’m so glad it washed well, and that Mouse has her bed back. I used to sew a lot, but find I don’t find the time anymore.
Mousey still loves her hugger bed. She smooshes packed lunch in to it regularly so its had at 2-3 washes a week for 3 months & its still going strong
Pleased to hear it’s still going! They are made to last :love:

I must say I don’t wash mine half as often!