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Hemp bedding...

I get a large compressed bale from my local horse surply store, I've got 4 bunnies and it last me around a month. It's priced around £8 depending on the time of year due to harvest etc. :wave:
I use it I dont think its as absorbant as mega zorb, but its £8 a huge compressed bale from a country store near me and so far I have been using it for about 4 weeks and I am only half way down.

And that is changing two litter trays every day and a full clean out once a week. So even though its not as absorbant its still more cost effective.

My two do not seem to kick it around much, its not as fly away as say mega zorb.

If you have a look on hempcore's website there are close up pics there. Its very much like wood chips I think
I have to admit, I don't like hempcore, I don't find it absorbant at all, and its hard and spikey.

I use medibed, which is short chopped hay, it is quite expensive about £12 a bale and we go through about 2 bales a week, that is for the rabbits, guineas an quail.

They are both equally messy though.
Ah okay thanks for all your replies! I guess it's a process of finding which I prefer. Megazorb is such a pain coz it's so light! But my buns new tray is quite high at the sides so it might work better in that than I previously thought. I'll have to experiment and see what works for me I think :)
hi there! i normally have to do a half/half mixture of carefresh and lifemate hemp bedding as skipper will dig it all up if its just carefresh on its own :S what a weird bunny...

i find hemp is a great additive but i would never be able to use it on its own.