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Help - 1st time bonding advice needed please

So we got our new bunny today :wave: She is a Velveteen/Mini Lop x Mini Rex, 10 weeks old and absolutely gorgeous. We got her to bond with our 2 year old bunny, Josh.
So i decided to bite the bullet and give them their 1st bunny date tonight straight away. I was so nervous so i got my husband to be on hand to help as Josh is quite a lot bigger then her (no name yet).
When we got her home, i put her in the small run we have in the kitchen and let Josh out of his pen for a smell. He didn't seem interested so i took this as a good sign. We took them both up to the bath tub and put them both in. At first Josh seems quite scared and just lay down watching her every move. She was very inquisitive of Josh though and of the bath and was happy just hopping around. She then started grooming his behind, which he seemed fine about and after a few minutes Josh seemed to relax and started sniffing her backside. Is this normal?
Overall i think it went well :D
Now tomorrow, do i give them the bathroom floor or should i wait for another couple of dates in the tub?
Hello :wave:
Is Josh neutered? I'm no expert as I've never bonded but I think it's better to wait until she is too.
That aside, have you got a small run/pen you can use rather than a bath? I would expect the bath to be quite an uncomfortable surface for them to be on and people usually bond in a small pen/run.
Yes I agree with RF that a bath is so slippy it makes the rabbits edgey so you won't get a really good idea as to how they are getting on. You need to introduce them somewhere they can stay in for a week, say, this is if the male doesn't attack her. You will need to monitor them closely for about 3 days to judge how things are going and separate them for the first 2 nights if you can't sleep close by.

They will sniff at one another maybe the male will chase the female maybe hump her, but as long as there isn't a fight then just keep them together without separating. Your best bet is to choose a time when you have 3 or 4 days to monitor them.

If you keep separating them they won't be able to bond with one another and you could frustrate them as they won't understand why you keep putting them together then splitting them up. Then you could jeopardise any future bond.

When I bonded my buns i created an area where i could sit comfortably and watch without being too involved. I used a sofa bed as a wall of a run for them!
At first I thought I'd just put them in for a quick date together but things went so well I just left them, separated them that night (cages next to each other so they could smell) and the next day did the same. On day 3 they were very happily living together!

I agree that as long as there's no fighting there's no reason to separate, although it would seem best to wait until both are neutered.

Another good tip I came across before trying was that eating is a social activity for them so if you provide a pile of yummy veg they'll sit together happily and that will help. I seem to remember the advice said not to give a bowl though as it can make them territorial over it?

Good luck!
Good morning,

I am in the same boat. We have had Rudie since December 2013 and decided that he would be happier with a friend I tried EVERY rescue centre within 30 miles of me, they either didn't have a spayed females, or they were already bonded to be re-homed together or they just didn't call back! So I ended up getting Fudge, an 8 week old harlequin dutch. I have looking into bonding A LOT and it seemed unanimous that I should wait until Fudge is spayed before bonding. I think I read somewhere that before about 4 months they haven't fully developed a personality, so it may appear that get on now but once she starts to discover who she is we will run into problems.

For now I have set their hutches up close to each other and when they come indoors in the evening I split the conservatory up with an X-Pen (doubled up to prevent nose nipping). This way they will learn the smells of each other and hopefully realise that neither one is a threat. I place their food close together, so to them it's like they are eating together and I keep swapping a cuddly toy between them.

Fudge has her spay booked for 1st Aug, I then have a week holiday from 18th Aug in which bonding will start- I am really hoping it's going to be an easy process.

But I would strongly recommend waiting until your new addition is old enough to be neutered.