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Hattie - 10 months


Warren Scout
Hattie died at the vets this evening from bloat :cry::cry::cry:


This is a photo of Hattie when she was approx. 4 weeks old. I don't have any adult photos:roll:

Hattie and her brother Bailey came to live with me in July when they were 10 weeks old. They were to be a companion for Sooty, my four year Mini Lop who lost his friend Maisie in April 2009 from bloat. I can't believe that I have lost another rabbit so soon and so young. It all happened so quickly.

I took Hattie straight to the vets yesterday when she wasn't eating. The vets gave her Zantac and Metoclopromide. I carried on with fibreplex. By this morning she was pooing, drinking and eating a small amount of greens.

This evening she was more active, pooing and eating pellets from my hand before I took her to the vets for a checkup at 6.30 pm. When I took her out of her basket in the consultation room she had gone very quiet. The vet said that they would take her in straight away and would operate the following day to get rid of the blockage. However whilst we were talking Hattie deteriorated in front of my eyes. The Vet took her straight through for treatment but she died about half an hour later. I wish they had operated on Monday to remove the blockage. I thought Hattie was getting better. Sorry for the long post:cry:
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I am so sorry, that must have been awful for you to see :cry::cry:

She looked such a cute little bun.

Binky free at the bridge Hattie xxx