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Has the storm come to anyone yet?

We've had warnings about hurricane force winds and torrential rain/snow coming through southern Alaska and within 100 miles of Fairbanks within the next few days. I find it surprising how many times Britain and Alaska have similar storms at the same time. :(
I hope you all stay safe and well. Be careful. xxxx
We've just got the real wind here. It's noisy, quite gusty, & waxes & wanes a lot. Although we've had a lot of rain overall, it hasn't come all at once so the drains haven't flooded. It's been a long night waiting to see if I needed to start pumping.

:wave: Hi Mimzmum. That's interesting about your weather & ours. In this part of the UK storms with heavy rain often come across the Atlantic. Although wind speeds are higher in the far North, there's less debris to blow around, so it's easier to cope with.
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We are currently away so I'm fretting about Pete at his boarding place :( I'm sure he's ok as they have really sturdy aviarys but still I'm worrying :cry:

Was a rather choppy ferry crossing over the channel last night!
We've just got the real wind here. It's noisy, quite gusty, & waxes & wanes a lot. Although we've had a lot of rain overall, it hasn't come all at once so the drains haven't flooded. It's been a long night waiting to see if I needed to start pumping.

:wave: Hi Mimzmum. That's interesting about your weather & ours. In this part of the UK storms with heavy rain often come across the Atlantic. Although wind speeds are higher in the far North, there's less debris to blow around, so it's easier to cope with.

Well...there is if you're certain to tie the small dogs down so they don't blow away. ;)

You folks be safe over there! Keeping you all in my prayers! xxxx
Aye... It's a wee bit blustery here today


Helloooo this pic cheered me up this morning :D
No storm here. Trying to work out a way of making more space in the bedroom so the rabbits can stay indoors.
The storm has abated here in Chelmsford. The bunnies were fine, demanding breakfast as usual. However 3 fence panels are laying in our neighbours garden (althoughits the side thatis ours I'm relieved as its not the buns side. Also no electricity since 7.20:(. A relief to get to work for tea!
Well...there is if you're certain to tie the small dogs down so they don't blow away. ;)

You folks be safe over there! Keeping you all in my prayers! xxxx

:oops: I'd forgotten there's the same problem on shetland with small children!!! :lol: The highest wind speed I went out in was gusting at 160 mph. I had to crawl not to get blown about like tumbleweed. Power cuts lasted for days. I've still got my "functional" candlestick - a glass globe stops the flame being blown out!

It's been a non event here. Maybe we're just sheltered from SW winds being in a valley. We've got electricity too.
Hoping everyone else, bunnies, & animals are OK
I also meant to put up some :shock::shock::shock: faces at Crunchie's picture. :lol::lol::lol: OH is of Scottish background and he told me they really go commando under those kilts. I didn't believe him! :oops:

Yikes on toast. :shock:

We have had some real gusty storms come through here, the most recent was while my OH was down in the states trying to find a place to move us to, bent all the trees double and whipped them around enough I thought maybe it was going to be one of those rare tornado events that you hear about from time to time. I was just eyeing how to get the kids and all the animals into the dirt basement when it suddenly stopped and the rain came on. This was after all the fires had been knocked down this summer, so from one extreme to another. And it's still warm here, we're only now expecting sticking snow, it's 40 F outside...totally unusual. :shock:

Power outages are the worst. We first took a trip here in 92 when the kids were wee, my son was 2+ years and daughter only 6 months old and we drove them both up the Alaska/Canada highway. We stayed in the Fairbanks area for two weeks and the day we left they had an early freeze up and the power was out to the entire city of North Pole for two weeks. Snow got so thick so fast it took down lines everywhere. That's when you really need to know how to light your woodstove or you will not survive. I will not miss that about winter when we do finally leave here. :roll:

I also hope everyone is okay over there. Praying for a milder winter for you than last year. xxxx
We've had quite a few branches off trees, the kids trampoline and slide upended broken and ruined and over 12 hours with no electricity but all the horses and pigs were fine so we are happy xx
I slept through it! Lol the neighbours fence came down and the door knocker and letter box were banging which woke the kids. But I missed it. Buns were sitting in there run when it was still windy, they looked quite happy with the wind blowing. Strange creatures! Lol x