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Graze trays!!


Mama Doe
Yay!!!! My seeds have arrived, I have a day off, it's lovely and sunny and I now have everything I need to plant my 1st graze trays for the rabbits and guinea pig :D
what seeds did you get?

Got them from u!! :wave: through eBay
Got Timothy grass, chicory, evening primrose, corn chamomile, dead nettle, teasel and celery. Today iv planted 3 trays with mainly Timothy and a pinch of teasel, dead nettle and celery. I know they'll prob grow at different rates but will c how they go :D Put propagator lids on to stop the birds, slugs and snails getting to them! Also planted some pots of basil, lemon basil and parsley in my kitchen and made my drying rack and hung some nettles to dry, using my new nettle proof gloves :lol: Sounds like iv been busy today doesn't it!!
